Vote for Miguel delValle! Rahm is not interested in bettering Chicago.

Don't mean to get all political, but I just read Rahm's Wiki page, read some other info on him and the Chicago machine and pulled some gems for a These Blog Postings .  What does everyone else think about this kind of individual continuing to set the tone for our city?


I don't like it a bit.


Del Valle seems awesome!  anyone have any dirt I should know about him before joining his team for sure?  (hint... there was none.  I joined his team for sure!)


Love ya!


Going for a ride.....


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There is no such thing as WE in bicyclists (as far as voting for mayor is concerned).  Stating otherwise is misrepresenting the diversity and individuality of all us bicyclists.

Feel free to vote for anyone you like, but don't assume that WE vote the way you vote simply because WE ARE CYCLISTS.

jlj said:

Bicycling should not be anybody's single voting issue.  Rahm spent thousands of dollars to have an employee of his draft those bike plans because he knows WE BICYCLISTS are loud, visible and active.

Who else protests every month (at least).  WE BICYCLISTS DO.

You say he has the skills and ability and connections?  Wrong.  He has the money and connections enough to do whatever other people with money and connections want (he has proven that time and time again).  WE BICYCLISTS don't need a mayor who is skilled, able, blunt and results oriented.  That is what WE ARE!  The inhabitants of this city are so much more skilled and able than Rahm could ever hope to be.  WE have just been made callous by the protection of the evil machine that has run this city for too long.  It's like citywide Stockholm syndrome, WE'VE been held as serfs in the kingdom of Daley so long that WE are scared to be set free, to really make the city what WE THE CITIZENS deserve it to be;  A real democratically operating city where the citizens get what WE want, what WE work for and WE deserve.

Being protected by big daddy Daley is like being locked in a car, or living in your high-rise, or hiding in the suburbs.  No body else matters, cause WE have cut them out, WE have let somebody create something to separate US from OUR problems rather than actually dealing with them.  Rahm is just another thug selling US protection.

Bicycling has brought together a wonderful group of concerned and caring individuals whom are passionate about the world WE live in and the people they interact with.

I believe WE BICYCLISTS are this way because WE BICYCLISTS are NOT enclosed in a steel cage or locked behind parked cars in "protected" bike lanes.  WE BICYCLISTS are taking a risk every time WE ride, WE are being vulnerable and human and trusting in the other humans around US.  The way WE have let our society grow has driven a wedge between every individual.  OUR transportation, sport and passion has allowed US BICYCLISTS to bond with each other once again.

Bicycling is not the issue.  Bicycling is just an opportunity to be spontaneous and social and human.  Bicycling is an opportunity to care about each other again, bicycling is an opportunity to see that the bully honking the horn, swerving in traffic and cutting US off to "get things done" is not the person WE want to interact with.  Bicycling will exist even if whatever bully WE let push US around removes the bike lanes and makes it illegal to pedal two wheels in the city limits.
WE shouldn't care about what scraps a candidate is willing to throw to us because he/she knows WE are the most loud visible and active citizens of this city.

WE will vote for who WE want to bicycle with.  Who WE want to share the road, the city, the world with.  WE will make others feel ashamed for being that loud, "getting things done bully" WE will make people ashamed for wanting that person to be OUR leader.

Shame on ME for not realizing this sooner.  Shame on US for letting our world become this way.  Shame on YOU for trying to make US think that this is the only way the world can work.

WE BICYCLISTS are approaching a big intersection, the biggest WE've seen in too many years, leading a mass the size of OUR CITY.  It is the responsibility of WE BICYCLISTS to cork this intersection for those too meek and used to being protected by steel, money and greed.  WE have seen each other for what WE are; responsible for EACH OTHER.  Let US be responsible and a model for the rest of OUR CITY and say no to the bully that is Rahm Emanuel.


Michael Brosilow said:
This cyclist is voting for Rahm. You just convinced me.

When Howard does it it's not trolling...


Besides, he doesn't usually blather on and bemoan the issue over and over agian.  He makes his snarky remark and let's it reverberate on its own merit.  He doesn't keep repeating it and dragging it out and from one thread to another like a little whiny kindergarten kid late for his nappy.


sums up what this election means to:



the machine

your tax dollars


the next 20 years



Chico is a machine politician? Funny. And I dunno what that blogger thinks he knows but the one job Rahm had always said he would drop everything for was Mayor of Chicago. There was no jumping to anything. It's nice when people make things up but it doesn't make it true.
That's cause he's a windbag and a douche (did you see during the first debate with the kids when the panel was asked who had been bullied in there life he was the only one that didn't raise his hand?) He wouldn't be considered connected if you stuck the end of a power supply in him and ran voltage through.

1. Chico has been Daley's chief of staff and deputy chief of staff.  Chico is what I call the epitome of chicago machine politician: bouncing back and forth between high ranking government jobs and private sector jobs that deal directly with the government he used to work for and back amassing large amounts of money.

2. Of course he would.  He is an opportunist.  What greater opportunity to make money and pay off favors than in this city in the way it is run.

Gabe said:

Chico is a machine politician? Funny. And I dunno what that blogger thinks he knows but the one job Rahm had always said he would drop everything for was Mayor of Chicago. There was no jumping to anything. It's nice when people make things up but it doesn't make it true.

The most obvious reply i can think of is if Chico is so big in the Machine how has he been so thoroughly trumped in polling? If working in the gov't makes you connected then there are many people i'd like to ask favors of.


And Rahm was Chief of Staff to the President. You don't think he could do a favor and get paid from there? Really?

1.Polling = doesn't matter.

2.Makes no sense.

3.How much oversight does the pres. and his staff get?  How much oversight does the Mayor of Chicago get?  Really.


Thanks for the questions.  It has been fun learning more about Chicago politics!




And I'm not learning much here. How old are you?

Only if you do the truffle shuffle! ;-)
The link isn't working.  If this is a link to Carol's outburst, I saw the video.  I'm probably not voting for Carol now.  Hmmm....who's next?

Andrew said:

Good choice.  Please read.

Mark Kenseth said:

I'm not voting for Rahm.  He isn't attending any of the community events to discuss topics.  For example, he didn't attend the event to discuss environmental concerns.  Carol Moseley Braun was the only one there who was willing to discuss environmental issues, and she mentioned improving walkability, bicycling, and public transportation infrastructure.  So far, Carol Moseley Braun's got my vote.


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