Can anyone point me in the right direction for classes on bike maintenance? I want to be able to do this myself. Thanks in advance....

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West town bikes has a variety of bike maintenance and open workshop dates.  A lot of them are posted on the events calendar.
I will add a vote for West Town Bikes.
The Recyclery has classes as well.
Another vote for West Town Bikes. It's where I learned and I consider myself a pretty good mechanic at this point. At least with anything over 10 years old. 

Rapid Transit and West Town Bikes

Folks, many thanks for your replies.
Not really at class. Working bikes at 2434 has volunteer spots on Tues. night 5-9 Wed. 12-7 and Sat 12-5.You get to fix up bikes and then you can work on your bike.It is a great way to learn at your own pace. 
Oppps. Working Bikes is at 2434 S Western ave or check out

Ace Mann said:
Not really at class. Working bikes at 2434 has volunteer spots on Tues. night 5-9 Wed. 12-7 and Sat 12-5.You get to fix up bikes and then you can work on your bike.It is a great way to learn at your own pace. 

Holistic Cycles on 140 Harrison Street, Oak Park, IL 60304.


Christopher Wallace really know his way around the bike and is a pretty cool guy.


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