So my mother and I were parked on Milwaukee between California and Washtenaw tonight and decided to count how many people had bike lights. We were sitting there for only about 10 or so minutes and we counted 7 people without bike lights and 4 with.


We were looking behind our car through the rear view mirror and the only thing that made us notice the people without lights was the movement of their legs.


I must say though if I was pulling out or something and checked to see if it was clear behind me I'm not sure I would have noticed a biker without lights!


Please consider getting lights! Back and front! 



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Ever thought about what might happen to you if you got hit by a car while riding a bike at night without lights?


(probably preaching to the choir here...)


You may get sued by the driver's insurance company for damages to the vehicle by the impact of the crash. Think new paint job, body work.


You might even be in the hospital and crippled... and sued.


Be safe.





it's such a cheap and easy way to make oneself visible. i'd be curious if there is any correlation between those who don't use lights, not also being drivers. maybe they don't realize how truly invisible hey are.
Isn't it time to have lights built into more bicycles? Manufacturers, lighten up!
why not built into helmets?
Cause not everyone wears a helmet?

Michael A said:
why not built into helmets?
And they weigh something.

Kevin Conway said:
Cause not everyone wears a helmet?

Michael A said:
why not built into helmets?

we have enough laws mandating manufacturers to comply..... common sense should be the rule here

... and in this case, there is a law already in place for the cyclist. Unfortunately, "common sense" isn't very common.

Michael A said:

we have enough laws mandating manufacturers to comply..... common sense should be the rule here

Very unfortunate indeed...

mike w. said:

... and in this case, there is a law already in place for the cyclist. Unfortunately, "common sense" isn't very common.

Oh, I thought it was because these guys are headquartered in Madison, WI

H3N3 said:

Madison Wisconsin has a mandatory bicycle light law.


Here's why.


Chicago's law (as found here):


9-52-080- Head lamps, reflectors and brakes

(a) Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a head lamp which shall emit a white light visible from a minimum distance of 500 feet from the front and with a rear red reflector capable of reflecting the head lamp beams of an approaching motor vehicle back to the operator of such vehicle at distances up to 200 feet or a rear lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of at least 200 feet from the rear.

H3N3 said:

Madison Wisconsin has a mandatory bicycle light law.


Here's why.


Joe, you need to remember that the city is paid off daily (actually nightly) by Big Darkness.  I hear it has deep, dark pockets, so Chicago's law won't be going anywhere soon as long as the money keeps rolling into City Hall.


I've tried to find its headquarters for years, but it's tough because it seems to be everywhere when I go out looking for it at night.

Joe TV said:

Chicago's law (as found here):


9-52-080- Head lamps, reflectors and brakes

(a) Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a head lamp which shall emit a white light visible from a minimum distance of 500 feet from the front and with a rear red reflector capable of reflecting the head lamp beams of an approaching motor vehicle back to the operator of such vehicle at distances up to 200 feet or a rear lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of at least 200 feet from the rear.

H3N3 said:

Madison Wisconsin has a mandatory bicycle light law.


Here's why.



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