Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I thoroughly enjoyed my ride(s) today and all week thus far. Its a bit colder but I am happier because there is a wee bit more light since the days are gradually getting longer again.

H3N3 said:
Unspectacular riding today.  Barometer falling all day (in advance of the light freezing rain hitting my face on the way home tonight) so not a day for those sensitive to air pressure changes to feel particularly jubilant on their rides.
It was def a goggles ride tonight...

LFP all the way from Montrose to the Loop today. Nice change of pace w/o cars!


Yeah! Every day that is not below zero, means one less chance of it getting below zero this winter!

Sarah Graff said:
I thoroughly enjoyed my ride(s) today and all week thus far. Its a bit colder but I am happier because there is a wee bit more light since the days are gradually getting longer again.

H3N3 said:
Unspectacular riding today.  Barometer falling all day (in advance of the light freezing rain hitting my face on the way home tonight) so not a day for those sensitive to air pressure changes to feel particularly jubilant on their rides.
Very nice to hear! Do you think the pathway debris, that has been written about, would be dangerous at night?

in it to win it said:

LFP all the way from Montrose to the Loop today. Nice change of pace w/o cars!


I rode it home last night after work with no problems. You just need to have a good light and be able to "hop" your front wheel like you would for a low curb or when city scrapes streets for repaving.

Be patient getting by the barricades; some need to be walked through, some can be ridden around.

Vo1k1 said:

Very nice to hear! Do you think the pathway debris, that has been written about, would be dangerous at night?

in it to win it said:

LFP all the way from Montrose to the Loop today. Nice change of pace w/o cars!


I rode Ravenswood north of Addison to Rogers Park and back for a total of 10 miles.  Only suffered cold toes and a couple considerate auto-drivers.
Didn't ride today thursday, but plan on riding tomorrow.  Out here in the burbs at around 630 it gets pretty cold from the wind chill,  does anyone have any secrets they wish to share on facial cover up? That seems to be my only problem, other than that I'm the only one out here riding a bike to work.  Wish you were all here, so i'm not all alone!!

No, but I need a little help with blogging. Here's why:


Anyone interested?

Didn't today - took a sickie, but I did ride Mon, Tue and Weds this week - 8 miles each way.  Coldest one was coming home Tuesday - 19 deg F.  It's cool to arrive home with a water slushie in a water bottle that started out at room temperature.

The key for me is dry pavement.  I like to maintain speed so I don't bother impatient motorists too much by going cautiously in snow.  Added to which, I don't fancy collecting injuries at my age (mid50s).


Can anyone recommend cycling shoes suitable for winter riding? I ride with old-style 'rat-trap' toe clips - no cleats.

Hi Judy,  get yourself a balaclava face mask from Seirus. Best investment I've made this winter. Makes you anxious to get back in the saddle and brave the cold winter weather. Definitely makes winter biking more enjoyable.

I'm in the west burbs and hardly see anybody on a bike nowadays. I know that lonely feeling.

judy s said:

Didn't ride today thursday, but plan on riding tomorrow.  Out here in the burbs at around 630 it gets pretty cold from the wind chill,  does anyone have any secrets they wish to share on facial cover up? That seems to be my only problem, other than that I'm the only one out here riding a bike to work.  Wish you were all here, so i'm not all alone!!
This is chainlink, why would anyone take that the wrong way?

H3N3 said:

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but . . .

I really enjoyed reading that entry :-)

Holly said:

No, but I need a little help with blogging. Here's why:


Anyone interested?


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