I had the Chicago flag "reimagined" as the Chicago Bicycling Flag. Instead of the two blue stripes there are two blue bike chains. And instead of the four red stars there are four red bike cogs.

I'm getting patches (to sew on your messenger bag or jacket, etc.), stickers and spoke cards made with the Chicago Bicycling Flag on it so we can represent the Chicago bicycling community. If you want one send me a message with your mailing address and when they come in I'll send a set out to you.

Mike Keating
On Twitter @ILBicycleLaw
Ride Smart - Ride Safe

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Received mine yesterday. Thanks so much, Mike!

Nice patch and good to know a local attorney who rides his bike specializing in bicycle law.

That's cool.


They are made right here in the good ol' U.S. of A. at a couple of companies in California.

H3N3 said:

Good stuff on IlBicycleLaw.com.

I plan to never avail of your services :-)

Where are the stickers being made?

Looking forward to getting my patch!  Also, wanted to thank you for another blog to add to my RSS reader.  Alsways good to have something new to read!

Thanks for the add, Jamimaria.


I did a shipment yesterday and this afternoon, so if you sent me an email recently you should get it by the end of the week.

jamimaria said:

Looking forward to getting my patch!  Also, wanted to thank you for another blog to add to my RSS reader.  Alsways good to have something new to read!

Thanks Mike!
thanks mike, they look awesome!
Mike, I received my patch and sticker this week.  They are awesome!  Thank you for doing this and providing them for free!  Have a great holiday season!

Thanks Mike, got my package today.

If folks are on facebook, "like" here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Keating-Law-Offices-PC/35644675974

Mike, I just asked for a flag not knowing that you've already sent me a set. (They are great by the way). My wife hid them away and put them in my Christmas Stocking! She got credit for the surprize but you get credit for the flags. Thanks! Ken

Or here:


The Illinois Bicycle Lawyer on Facebook.


I also have a Twitter page: @ILBicycleLaw

Tiberculosis said:

Thanks Mike, got my package today.

If folks are on facebook, "like" here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Keating-Law-Offices-PC/35644675974

This may be my next tattoo!


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