The Santa Rampage has just been listed:

Surpisingly decent Santa suits can be had for around $20 at Walgreen's.

Thanks, Martin!

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anyone else locate walgreens with the suits?
I got mine at the Walgreens at Wilson and Clark
Rampaging and marauding on the same day? Should the hospital have the liver transplant team on standby?...

Also, why can I never watch anything on vimeo dammit! Must be a mac thing.

Chris C said:
Just trying to figure out if this is one of those rides where we throw paint on fur coats and/or ride down the Kennedy.

It isn't, mostly 'cause those kind of rides don't really exist.

However, I plan on getting arrested, assaulted and laid. Hopefully not in that order.
T.C. I'll arrest u and put u in handcuffs!

T.C. O'Rourke said:

Chris C said:
Just trying to figure out if this is one of those rides where we throw paint on fur coats and/or ride down the Kennedy.

It isn't, mostly 'cause those kind of rides don't really exist.

However, I plan on getting arrested, assaulted and laid. Hopefully not in that order.

Reminds me of that day 4 years ago. I went rampaging, then to the Goat until the Latke party, then Lauren and I went Marauding in the blizzard across the south side. In the morning I made it to Pancakes back in Logan. Upon my arrival someone commented on my "Bad Santa" costume because of how filthy and disheveled I looked. I explained it was not planned, I had just been wearing it for two days of drinking. Then I poured myself a bloody mary. Any Brunch plans for Sunday?

Martin, I'm gonna go beat off to this post. ;-) And I'll be at S&G's as usual. ;-)

Martin Hazard said:

Reminds me of that day 4 years ago. I went rampaging, then to the Goat until the Latke party, then Lauren and I went Marauding in the blizzard across the south side. In the morning I made it to Pancakes back in Logan. Upon my arrival someone commented on my "Bad Santa" costume because of how filthy and disheveled I looked. I explained it was not planned, I had just been wearing it for two days of drinking. Then I poured myself a bloody mary. Any Brunch plans for Sunday?


oh MAN i was just talking about that. what a weekend! it was a snowy saturday, and my cardboard dreidel got some pretty severe water damage. i abandoned the dreidel at the latke party, and marauding across the south side without costume was so sad... everyone honked and cheered for Santa-Martin, but nobody cared about Santa's biking buddy. also the conditions were among the worst i've ever ridden in. and look, that was before i had rain pants, or even fenders!


Martin Hazard said:

Reminds me of that day 4 years ago. I went rampaging, then to the Goat until the Latke party, then Lauren and I went Marauding in the blizzard across the south side. In the morning I made it to Pancakes back in Logan. Upon my arrival someone commented on my "Bad Santa" costume because of how filthy and disheveled I looked. I explained it was not planned, I had just been wearing it for two days of drinking. Then I poured myself a bloody mary. Any Brunch plans for Sunday?

good catch, it was 2007. only three years.

what's unbelievable is not that we decided to ride in that weather (after weighing the options, it made a LOT more sense than the bus!), but that we made it to bridgeport with no wipeouts. (or rather, *i* made it. i think martin was rocking his studded tires that day)

H3N3 said:

I can't believe it's been 4 years (has it?).

And I couldn't believe you guys were heading out in those conditions-- major blizzard.

Y'all are welcome to crash at my place Saturday if needed. Got a "guest apartment" at the moment . . .

AAAHHHaahahahahaahahaha!!!! been there... done that... I just like to tease him b/c it makes his face all red

H3N3 said:

Get a room?

I don't think the busses were running in the blizzard, at midnight, on the south side, hence it made a LOT more sense. Besides, if the two of us were not fool hardy enough to do it, the Marauders would have missed a ride. Still to date, never a cancelled ride, though that one probably should have been.

lauren sailor said:

good catch, it was 2007. only three years.

what's unbelievable is not that we decided to ride in that weather (after weighing the options, it made a LOT more sense than the bus!), but that we made it to bridgeport with no wipeouts. (or rather, *i* made it. i think martin was rocking his studded tires that day)

H3N3 said:

I can't believe it's been 4 years (has it?).

And I couldn't believe you guys were heading out in those conditions-- major blizzard.

Y'all are welcome to crash at my place Saturday if needed. Got a "guest apartment" at the moment . . .

The original posts. 12/17/07

Lauren and my posts, apparently done concurently.

It was a great Bike Winter weekend, for those brave enough to
experience it.
Lauren and I started Sat. off with a an inebriated frolic known as
the Santa (Dreidel) Rampage. We set off from the Twisted Spoke in the
early afternoon, and rampaged through the downtown shopping district,
ending at the Billygoat. From there we made our way to the Hub Co-Op
Latke party, where we met with Andy, filled our bellies, and I worked
on sobering up. Around 10:30 Lauren and I got to marauding, by our
selves, not surprisingly. We made our way through the winter
wonderland to her neighborhood, and hit a bar I believe called
Berniece's. We did maraud, but the route was improvised. It was not
canceled, just poorly attended. If anyone was out at that time, you
can appreciate, it was one hard core ride.
I ended up crashing on Laurens couch in Bridgeport, as the ride back
to Logan would have been very ill advised.
This morning I was able to rouse myself in time to get back to Logan
Sq. in time for Pancakes at Alexis place.
It was a great couple of days, socialising and hanging out with the
different parts of the bike community, but I am glad to finally get
out of my Santa costume after 28 hours.

Lauren's post:

canceled because of the weather? hell no!

we waited around at the HUB for a while after 10, but it became
apparent that nobody except for me, Martin, and Andy was going to show
up. Andy accepted a ride to his home in Rogers Park, which might have
had something to do with the fact that it had been snowing for the
past 12 hours, and the roads were largely unplowed.

Martin and I set out with a mighty "Yaaaargh!" I was on slicks, and he
was rocking studded tires; I happy to report that, despite one or two
skids each, we both kept the rubber side down. We cut the ride short,
but figured that was excusable due to the dangerous street/visibility
conditions created by the snowstorm. Our 5? 6ish? mile ride too us by
the prison before stopping by my house and my favorite dive bar,
Bernice's. And, fret not, we did plenty of pillaging on the way, on
both Western Avenue and 35th Street.

Oh, did I mention Martin was dressed as Santa? I had removed my
disintegrating dreidel costume, though, and let me tell you, it is
kind of sad to ride with Santa, who is getting plenty of love while
you are ignored. Ah well. At least there weren't any douches asking me
to give them more shit.

At Bernice's, we spread the BikeWinter gospel to two of my neighbors,
Peter and... some girl whose name I forget. When they showed up in
snowboaring helmets, we knew we had to tell them about our little bike
club, too, since they clearly understand the Marauders' goals of
drinking and biking. Also at Bernice's, Martin wondered aloud why his
feet were cold, then discovered that they were Packed In Ice. Turns
out snow can work its way into those cleat holes that you cut into
your booties.

We closed down the bar, then had a sleepover party! Which is obviously
something we Marauders should do more often. (Don't tell, but I'm
pretty sure Martin and the dog snuggled on the couch all night.)
Martin tried to drag me to PanKakes this morning, but I refused to
leave the warmth and comfort of my bed, as usual :)

So, NO! The marauders ride was not canceled. It was a true BikeWinter
ride, complete with low attendance, desperate feelings of "will we
freeze to death here on the road?", and snow stinging the foolishly
uncovered parts of our faces.

waiting for a ride report from andy,
maybe see more of you next month,



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