Winter cycling images needed! Please help Bike Winter web project

Your collaboration and contributions are urgently needed to get the new Bike Winter site looking warm and vibrant with cool images of winter cycling and frisky winter cyclist frolicking.

Please post anything you've got to this thread:


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Thank you, Howard!

One thing to keep in mind is that it is good to have a mix of snowy fun images and also just clear, crisp and bundled ones. One visitor to the original site commented on all the snow pics and thought it was a little inconsistent with our message that winter does not mean all snow all the time. That said, I have some snow pics, incoming. Also have some great clear sky but bundled ones in photo albums--pre digital camera--that need scanning.

Also, we need pics that show off favorite gear, bike parts, reflectiveness (night pics!), events. . . .bring it.
Excellent points! I'm the guy always reminding newbies that most Chicago winters only have brief bouts of snow to deal with-- shots showing dry salty streets would be great too.

Gin said:
Thank you, Howard!

One thing to keep in mind is that it is good to have a mix of snowy fun images and also just clear, crisp and bundled ones. One visitor to the original site commented on all the snow pics and thought it was a little inconsistent with our message that winter does not mean all snow all the time. That said, I have some snow pics, incoming. Also have some great clear sky but bundled ones in photo albums--pre digital camera--that need scanning.

Also, we need pics that show off favorite gear, bike parts, reflectiveness (night pics!), events. . . .bring it.
Lots of great pics so far. Check out the thread and keep em coming. Howard photo enhanced the FAQ page last night. Go Santas and Dreidles!


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