For those of you who vote and have been confronted with a list of judges to vote 'yes' or 'no' on, here's a great resource to help you make a more informed opinion:

I usually go straight to the grid that shows at a glance how ten bar associations rated each judge:
(prints on 7 pages).

You can take anything you like into the poll with you, as long as it can't be construed as a political advertisement aimed at other voters.

Here's another handy one-- put in your address and then you can get a .pdf showing what your actual ballot looks like:

Anyone have any similar resources? There are a number of candidates I know little about this time around.

(I did find the old thread but 9/10 of what was posted to it is not relevant to the current election so I decided to start fresh.)

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I'm replying to bump this up to the top the day before the election, to thank you for posting this information here, and to encourage people to take the time to VOTE FOR JUDGES. A good judge can make a huge difference in people's lives. (There's another thread here about going to court for a bike thief so this thread does have a bicycling angle.)There are a number of judges on the ballot NOT recommended for retention: Dorothy F. Jones, Jeffrey Lawrence & Susan Jeanine McDunn. Let's get them off the bench!
As for other resources: while its open election rules has led to its sometimes being co-opted, IVI-IPO is still pretty independent and gives endorsements:
I also use the Chicago Elections website you provided to print out my ballot in advance so I don't end up at the poll realizing I'm not sure who I want to vote for in a particular office.
Judges are an important vote that is usually ignored.
There are so many bad judges, I hear quite a few stories from my father who was a public defender and a prosecutor, and my SO who is a criminal defense attorney. So resources like this are great for people who aren't in trial regularly and don't know who these people are.
Great resource thanks!
I usually go with the recommendations of the Independent Voters of Illinois - Independent Precinct Organization, AKA IVI-IPO.
Worth noting that in addition to other recommendations, the Tribune issues judicial anti-endorsements, with Jones, McDunn, O'Neal and Ryan coming in for recommended "No" votes this go-round. Note that per the Vote For Judges grid Jones got a clean sweep of ten "No" recommendations in addition to the Tribune singling her out for shame.
I wanted to add one more link. My friend Dan Sinker voted this morning with a PDF on his phone (same as I did) and went home frustrated.

But he's a data, web, media guy - so instead of just be frustrated, he built this

Easy to read on mobile web with Yes/No guidance on retention. Not saying you should vote a straight ticket like this, but if you need a guide that works on your phone.

I'll also add Steve Vance's endorsements for Water Reclamation District was very useful for me.
I've looked through and can't find the thread.

Who was that judge that gave that douchebag motorist a slap on the wrist for trying to run over cyclists? (He was posting on Facebook about how badass he was having avoided jail time.)

I remember seeing the thread just a couple months ago or so. Was that even a Cook Country judge?
Judge Carol A. Kipperman. Not up for retention this election cycle. We'll keep you posted. Over and out.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I've looked through and can't find the thread.

Who was that judge that gave that douchebag motorist a slap on the wrist for trying to run over cyclists? (He was posting on Facebook about how badass he was having avoided jail time.)

I remember seeing the thread just a couple months ago or so. Was that even a Cook Country judge?
Ok. Thanks Kevin!
Kevin Conway said:
Judge Carol A. Kipperman. Not up for retention this election cycle. We'll keep you posted. Over and out.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I've looked through and can't find the thread.

Who was that judge that gave that douchebag motorist a slap on the wrist for trying to run over cyclists? (He was posting on Facebook about how badass he was having avoided jail time.)

I remember seeing the thread just a couple months ago or so. Was that even a Cook Country judge?
And for those of you keeping score at home, "Not a single judge has lost a retention election since 1990." David Orr, Cook County Clerk, (November 9, 2009). I always vote "no" on judges that evaluation organizations that I trust find to be unqualified, but as a practical matter, retention elections are a flawed system.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Ok. Thanks Kevin!
Kevin Conway said:
Judge Carol A. Kipperman. Not up for retention this election cycle. We'll keep you posted. Over and out.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I've looked through and can't find the thread.

Who was that judge that gave that douchebag motorist a slap on the wrist for trying to run over cyclists? (He was posting on Facebook about how badass he was having avoided jail time.)

I remember seeing the thread just a couple months ago or so. Was that even a Cook Country judge?
Even crazier, the circuit court judge that lost the retention vote in 1990 was John Tully, and he was actually elected to a position on the Illinois Appellate Court on the exact same ballot. So not only did a majority of Cook County voters manage to determine he was unfit to retain office as a circuit court judge, the same voters actually saw fit to give him a promotion to an even more powerful judgeship at the exact same time (where he then served until just this past year). You have to love Cook County.

Kevin Conway said:
And for those of you keeping score at home, "Not a single judge has lost a retention election since 1990." David Orr, Cook County Clerk, (November 9, 2009). I always vote "no" on judges that evaluation organizations that I trust find to be unqualified, but as a practical matter, retention elections are a flawed system.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Ok. Thanks Kevin!
Kevin Conway said:
Judge Carol A. Kipperman. Not up for retention this election cycle. We'll keep you posted. Over and out.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I've looked through and can't find the thread.

Who was that judge that gave that douchebag motorist a slap on the wrist for trying to run over cyclists? (He was posting on Facebook about how badass he was having avoided jail time.)

I remember seeing the thread just a couple months ago or so. Was that even a Cook Country judge?
I just found this kinda neat site when looking up the constitutional amendment

Yes, voting for judicial retention is really flawed. We need to change the system for choosing judges, but in the meantime, I'm off to the polls . . .


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