Just curious.  A friend told me that today. 

I didn't ride and I'm ok with it. I took the bus and read a book.

I don't mind snow or rain, but  the threat of 70 MPH wind was enough to put me and my good book on the bus.

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I ride to work cause I enjoy it, not to prove a point. If I'm not going to enjoy it, then I won't.
I am disappointed I didn't ride. I just got back from the bank, the sun was out and it was warm. It looked like I would have had a great tailwind. So, right now I wish I would have rode. That may change when I leave at 4:30.....
Haha, no. I allot myself at least one CTA day a month.
good thread.
I've ridden in high winds (maybe not 50+ mph);
but this morning it was dark (at 6:30 am) and raining and the forecast called for dropping temps.
all of the above translate into not much adventure...I can handle the CTA once a month (like Ryan)
Riding a bike to work isn't a competitive sport. Taking a day on the bus much better than getting blown over by the wind and hydroplaning on wet pavement, or getting hit by debri. While I'm glad that people who did ride in made it safely, they don't get a medal for doing it.
We don't? [sniff-sniff]

Liz said:
While I'm glad that people who did ride in made it safely, they don't get a medal for doing it.
When I woke a 8am the skies were black and it was raining hard. So I planned on taking the bus. My rule no matter what the weather is that if its not raining when I want to leave, I ride.
I left for work around 9am and didn't see a drop on my ride. It was perfect weather and the skyline looked beautiful with the clouds. I guess the worse was over.
Yes, I do. But then I fail regularly

That's because the real reason I didn't ride was my innate laziness. The threat of high winds was just too convenient of an excuse ;)
Like Gabe, I had the option to wait it out...so i did. However, I did have a moment by Montrose and Sheridan where I was frozen in time by the southern winds!

And, I'll make my own damn medal! :)
No but I feel like i failed by not riding AND by eating 5 doughnuts, one piece of cake, 2 cookies and a rice krispy bar. Damn coworker diet saboteurs!
No, I don't feel like I failed...I like being in control on my bike as much as possible and usually plan for it... gusts are just too risky for me. And at one point as the wind blew me off course as I walked down the sidewalk...I was sure I made the right decision. I'm a lightweight! But I'll be riding all winter as much as I can!


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