The Chainlink block of 40 tickets were all disseminated and a good time was had by all (I think). Thanks for all who showed up. We'll have to do it again sometime.

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Are we going to be seated together or will it be first come, per usual for WWDTM tapings?

Kevin Conway said:
We are now inside of two weeks from the big taping, and the excitement is palpable. I have attached today's spreadsheet and it looks like I have about 4 tickets to go. If you've been waffling, now's the time to commit. This offer can't last much longer, and truthfully, neither can I. I am happy to say my one ticket will now only cost me $150! Special thanks to everyone who paid for their ticket(s) by handing me cash in a crowded bar. If you think you're going, make sure you're on the spreadsheet. Tickets will be available the evening of the show on a Will Call basis, and I want to give Don Hall an accurate list.

Quoth Tom Waits, Step Right Up.
My understanding is we will be seated together. Don will meet us as a group, hand us each a program and walk us in to be seated.

jamimaria said:
Are we going to be seated together or will it be first come, per usual for WWDTM tapings?

Kevin Conway said:
We are now inside of two weeks from the big taping, and the excitement is palpable. I have attached today's spreadsheet and it looks like I have about 4 tickets to go. If you've been waffling, now's the time to commit. This offer can't last much longer, and truthfully, neither can I. I am happy to say my one ticket will now only cost me $150! Special thanks to everyone who paid for their ticket(s) by handing me cash in a crowded bar. If you think you're going, make sure you're on the spreadsheet. Tickets will be available the evening of the show on a Will Call basis, and I want to give Don Hall an accurate list.

Quoth Tom Waits, Step Right Up.
I think we get to sit in our own special preferred seating section, don't we? That should be another draw for those of you who are on the fence but might want to go. I personally cannot Wait to see Carl up close and personal!

Thanks for handling the tickets, Kevin.
Are there any tixs left for this for someone with cash in hand?
I have two tickets to tomorrow night's Wait Wait show that I'd like to re-sell.

I still intend to attend, but my friends can't make it.

Anyone interested?
Hi Jen - I will take one if you want to split up the pair. If not - that's cool
my numbers are below :
312 559 4994
312 351 4052
312 622 6285

y a j said:
I have two tickets to tomorrow night's Wait Wait show that I'd like to re-sell.

I still intend to attend, but my friends can't make it.

Anyone interested?
Thanks everyone for your interest; I've re-sold those two tickets.

Thanks to Kevin for putting this together and see you all tomorrow night!
And you're going to let Kevin know who you sold the tickets to???

y a j said:
Thanks everyone for your interest; I've re-sold those two tickets.

Thanks to Kevin for putting this together and see you all tomorrow night!
Huzzah to Kevin for organizing this! I had a great time. It's always interesting to listen to the actual broadcast and hear what they left in and what they left out.
THANK YOU KEVIN! The taping was absolutely hilarious. I think I'll have to become a regular listener. It was definitely worth paying for something you could hear on Saturday for free.

Thanks, I put my pics from last night up!! here:
Thanks for putting it all together, Kevin. Great fun!


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