The Chainlink

Gmail is finally rolling out an option to turn off the threaded view and choose to view your messages sequentially by arrival time.
Gmail users, please consider switching to this option, especially if you've made the unfortunate choice to use gmail for professional and business purposes.
Too many of you habitually miss communication because it pops into a thread that is no longer catching your attention.

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Lol. Ok. I'll just turn off the feature that helped get me into Gmail so many years ago. You see, I have no problem reading my messages. I do not remember missing one in years. People just need to pay attention.
i have been using Outlook for years for work, and is something i have come accustomed to. when i began using gmail, i was confused as fuck at first, but it eventually made sense. still, with all the emails i get (both personally and work on two separate platforms), the threaded mails did become a bit overwhelming. i get it, its organized for you, but to me its its kinda like someone is organizing, cleaning up for you, and you have no idea where someone put it. yes, again, i get it...its in its right place...but damnit, i didnt put it there, and thats how i might have missed it.


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