Ah, tomorrow is the Starved Rock caper. IN the past,  I have convinced other daily if not long distance cyclists to join us with the line "if you can ride 10 you can ride 100."

We are only going 70 miles tomorrow, but now it is my turn to be a little nervous as I rarely do more than the 7 mile round trip to my son's school. Here's hoping muscle (and stamina) memory kick in.

But even if it's hard, I know it is doable. That's one of the beauties to me about biking. So long as you are used to being in the saddle, and have access to fuel, you can pretty much ride on forever.



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A few years ago I talked my wife into doing a 100 mile ride. We had done some 40 miles rides to prepare. At the end of 100 miles, if she had the energy she probaly would have killed me! It was a long day. The next year I talked her into 70, that was still pretty long for her. Now the max I can convince her to do is 50. So, good luck! Hope you have fun, I am a little jealous.
thanks gin for being a great 'cheerleader' or motivational speaker to grab some bikers/campers to join us tomorrow. Btw, I cannot wait for you tell me stories about the first couple trips out there. I've a bit about how rough the first one was, but I am sure this is always more to the story! See you in the morning
long distances can be intimidating even when well trained and properly prepared.

for example : when running the marathon - you break it into three chunks : miles 1-10; miles 11-20; then
miles 21-26.2 (this is the 10 10 10 plan (10 miles, 10 miles, then 10K).

a century is similar and the rest stops help tremendously.

have a great time everyone - Jamie and I and others will be doing the pumpkin pie century right around starved rock sunday.
Ya--I think of a long bike ride as a bunch of 10 or 20 mile increments. Just need to pack enough food. Weather looks to be lovely. Shar--look forward to seeing you bright and early. (er--I think getting downtown at 7:30am will be my biggest challenge ;-)
I have no excuse not to try a century ride- my best friend runs 30, 50 and 100 mile ultra-races...running, non-stop, through the day and night. So I feel that it is futile to complain to her that a century ride is too tough for me. I have yet to do a century, but I know there is no excuse for me. That is my motivation, actually. If she can do it running, I had better be able to do it bicycling- especially since I do about 16-20 miles a day for commuting anyway. The starved rock ride sounds like it will be fun- I've always loved bicycle camping and it looks like it will be a beautiful, if a bit tough, ride. Good luck to all who signed up. I wish I could have, but had to work those days. Maybe next year.


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