The Chainlink

We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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Nice ride Joza! Your pic is unfortunate though. ;-)
Cool! I'd want to join two of those holes into a long slot so you can quickly morph into a U-lock ninja when necessary.

Joza said:

I love a good mug shot.

Gabe said:
Nice ride Joza! Your pic is unfortunate though. ;-)
H3N3 that is a great idea. I might just pull out the router. I still like the guy who used bear spray for protection. Now that is brilliant.

H3N3 said:
Cool! I'd want to join two of those holes into a long slot so you can quickly morph into a U-lock ninja when necessary.

Joza said:

This is me and my baby.

My old ride, now RIP thanks to someones car door mashing the frame and my arm, and thankfully nothing else.

This is my street/work bike.
Bars are now flipped up to a normal north road position. Head on collision with a car last far bent the fork a bit, some ill advised bunny hopping bent the fork the rest of the way a couple days ago, trying to find a cheapo replacement, but in the meantime, she's out of commission.

And this is my polo bike, the nicest bike I own, and of course I beat the hell out of it at least twice a week. Waterford makes a hell of a bike, wish I could get another. :(

And this is my lady.

And the ride I got together for her.

I did not want to do this alone so I used a picture of me and my wife. Anyway, I really enjoy riding in the city and it is great to see so many others who feel the same.

Here are the rides!

Good Weather.....


Commuter / Winter

So there you have it. I ride in CCM and will one day get up the nerve to come to a Chainlink event.

When you are ready, you know where to find us :))

Ray Wilson said:

So there you have it. I ride in CCM and will one day get up the nerve to come to a Chainlink event.

OK since you asked, if you don't know me already alter ego tallboy66 on various sites too.

Originally from Illinois as a child moved to Iowa then back to Illinois then to Michigan, whew!
Teens,adulthood in the Detroit area.

NYC for a year, and Columbus Ohio as well then back to Illinois in 2006.

Me from 2 years ago.

I have a winter bike,a Trek Mt. bike circa 1990's I got for $25 sorry no pic. it's a piece of crap.

2 "fun" bikes

I'm looking to buy a fixie and hope my sister still has my banana seat in her garage, I'd love to get that fixed up.
Hi Ray, Hi Mike ;-) I love all the pics! Keep 'em comin! ;-)
Good call Gabe.  Welcome to Chainlink!!!!!

i'm just a knowbody... who used to be the shapeshifter but one day i changed.


often times i pretend to be alan sidlo just to blend into the crowd.


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