Alright, so my bike got stolen two days ago securely locked with an on-guard u-lock.  It's likely that they used a cordless electric saw to cut through it, although nothing was left to verify.  My question is, is there any lock that can't be cut by one of these saws? I know a lot of people use the heavy duty chain locks, but are these any more secure?

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I do not think there is any lock that can stand up to a cordless angle grinder or saw with an abrasive disc. Those tools are made to cut hardened steel.

I use an Abus link lock, but I think the best defense is to use multiple locks, maybe they will move on to an easier target.
I also had a U-lock cut through.
I carry two U-locks now. Yes sure they can both be cut through, but I would think they would cut someone elses bike instead, knowing they needed to do double the work for mine.
If you have a nice enough cutting wheel and enough time, there isn't really a material that will withstand an angle grinder. A harder steel will resist longer, but even titanium is grindable (and flammable!). So really, you're simply buying time or relative annoyance compared to surrounding targets for the thief.

An anonymous or ratty looking bike that works well, along with a decent lock (thick, hardened steel, no obvious weak points) are your best deterrents for city riding. Keep your nice rides indoors and away from outside visibility.
I had an On Guard U lock as well when my bike was stolen. I'm going with a different company this next time around.

I've heard good things about the Kriptonite NY Fugedaboutit line.
I carry two u-locks. The lock "experts" suggest that the best method is to lock with two different types of locks, like one u-lock and one high security chain. This apparently forces the thieves to carry more than one type of tool, thus making your bike a less attractive target.
jamimaria said:
I had an On Guard U lock as well when my bike was stolen. I'm going with a different company this next time around.
I've heard good things about the Kriptonite NY Fugedaboutit line.

I only use the New York lock series. I have actually gotten in the habit of using two, a New York 3000 and a New York Forgedaboutit. Yes they could grind through but it would take considerably much more time to grind through 4 hardened steel posts as apposed to the one that most u-locks have. Ulocks that only lock on the one side are completely useless against hacksaws and grinders. The longer it takes, the better off you are. I would also advise that no one ever leaves a bike locked up outside over night, EVER :)
I am pretty much in love with my Abus 6500 lock. It allows for more versatile parking options and is impenetrable to drills and crow bars. I feel like it would fair better against a sawz-all then a standard u-lock too because it has flexibility and would be tough to pin down for leverage.
I have bad news for you: there is no lock or chain, no matter how much you spend, that is going to save you from an angle grinder with the correct disc in it because there is nothing out there that can not be cut off in about 5 minutes.

Or less.

Look for a lock that latches on both ends and lock up in visible areas and try not to leave the bike out over night.
Really the best security is to ride a bike that thieves aren't interested in. An old beat up looking bike is the best security to have. That's not to say that your bike has to be old and beat up, but if it looks that way...

I know that for many (myself included) their bike is a very important part of their personal style or fashion. Many people would rather ride in style with the risk of theft rather than ride a bum bike. But hey, save your show pony for the Sunday trot through the park (or Tuesday night TnD) and ride your work horse to the job.
It took a locksmith with a cordless angle grinder about a minute to cut through my Kryptonite evo padlock and the New York ones are only a couple mm thicker.

Chains are a little harder to cut because they need to be cut on both sides to open a link. Padlocks with armored (almost enclosed) hasps or locks like the ones on wheel boots are harder to cut through than nonarmored. We now use chain like the kryptonite new york with an Italian Viro moped padlock.

Look at for a cheap source of good chains (we got ours somewhere else, but Bikeregistry seems to have at least the same quality PEWAG chain and it's cheap). The tradeoff: the lock plus the bike weigh more than a junk bike and a cheap lock.

Another good source of info is the fietsersbond in Holland which tests lots of locks and has really bad bike theft to deal with. They like some of the Abus chains with integrated locks. You have to be able to decipher Dutch to get much out of them though. Dutch for lock is Slot. Check out the video on

Good locks have those ART and similar stickers on them. Look for 4 or 5 stars.

When in doubt, get a small wheel bike or a folder and keep it inside with you.
I use two U locks these days (both Kryptonite), but it'd probably be better if I had two different brands or two different types of locks altogether.
I use a combination of a NY Fahgettaboutit chain along with a Fahgettaboutit Mini U-Lock.

While the chain certainly looks intimidating, I don't think it's any more effective than a u-lock because any thief with a brain is going to attempt to compromise the actual disc lock bracket instead of the much thicker chain links. The "u" shaped bracket on my chain is much thinner than the "u" bracket on the Mini U-Lock.

That said, the best course of action is to use two locks, to make your bike a bigger hassle than the bike next to it and to pay attention to the integrity of what you are locking the bike to.

For example a lot of street signs are not safe places to lock your bike because the sign can be removed and/or the pole can be lifted out of the base.

Also, I've noticed that some of the bike racks that look like the grill of an automobile are easily taken apart.


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