The Chicago Reader tweeted that the Chicago Bike advocate and Chicago Police will be setting up a law breaking check for bike riders and cars at the corners Kimball,Milwaukee,and Diversey today.Be aware!

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Based on the headline I thought that maybe the cops were setting up some sort of sting to catch bike thieves. Silly me.
Do you always duplicate your own threads?
No,I just posted this thread to put more emphasis on the Logan Square area.If a rider was going to scan the site before heading out this morning,they would see the header and know what area the police would be.My post yesterday could have been a lot better.I was in a hurry and writing it on iPod touch,it is a real pain in the ass.

Duppie said:
Do you always duplicate your own threads?
Glad you posted this Ace Mann, but just to clarify, The Chicago Bicycle Advocate (my secret identity) is not a participant. The "sting" is being conducted by Chicago police officers and Mayor Daley's Bicycling Ambassadors. I just reported on it. Here's a link:
Mega sorry about that Chicago Bicycle Advocate,went to your site and it looks like you are doing a lot of good work for the Chicago area bikers.Hopefully made up for it by following you on Twitter.Again really sorry about that

Brendan Kevenides said:
Glad you posted this Ace Mann, but just to clarify, The Chicago Bicycle Advocate (my secret identity) is not a participant. The "sting" is being conducted by Chicago police officers and Mayor Daley's Bicycling Ambassadors. I just reported on it. Here's a link:
No worries. Thanks for the kind words.

Ace Mann said:
Mega sorry about that Chicago Bicycle Advocate,went to your site and it looks like you are doing a lot of good work for the Chicago area bikers.Hopefully made up for it by following you on Twitter.Again really sorry about that

Brendan Kevenides said:
Glad you posted this Ace Mann, but just to clarify, The Chicago Bicycle Advocate (my secret identity) is not a participant. The "sting" is being conducted by Chicago police officers and Mayor Daley's Bicycling Ambassadors. I just reported on it. Here's a link:


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