A few simple steps to Winterizing your bicycle...
If you are putting your bike away for the winter, here are some quick and easy hints for storing your bike until Spring:

1. Wipe down the bike with a clean, damp cloth, especially the spokes, rims, headset area, brake arms/cables/pads and front fork stanchion areas (piston part of front fork). This will ensure that you remove any contaminants you may have picked up along the way that can corrode components (especially salt)

2. Keep the bike in first gear (Gear 1). This will reduce tension on the shifter cable to prevent stretching and extend the life of the cable.

3. Detach the brake cables where they attach to the brake arms. This is done by squeezing the brake arms together against the rim of the wheel and releasing the brake cable from the swing arm on the left brake arm. This will reduce tension on the cables to prevent stretching and extend the life of the cable.

4. If you store your bike in the garage (or other area with cement floor), I recommend that you elevate the bike tires off the cement. There is no need to release air pressure from the tires; the cold will do this for you.


Just a few quick tips from Adam Kishanov of 329 Cycles in Bartlett your source for custom Fixed Gear and Single Speed conversions. 630-742-7000

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Why would anyone want to put their bike away for the winter? How would you get around? On the bus? Why not ride all year?
I think he is trying to refer to some of us who has some nicer steeds as well as a winter bike...I would never ever think of taking my Orbea out on a snowy day and neither should anyone else with a nicer bike.

Michael said:
Why would anyone want to put their bike away for the winter? How would you get around? On the bus? Why not ride all year?
I was just trying to post some tips for winterizing, not everyone is a die-hard. I have been building and selling bicyles singe 10 years old (25 years) and I love talking and helping people with bike issues, hence, joining this site. I hope some of yje articles I will posting or have posted can help out some people in need, thats all. I also run a Bicycle swap meet at the all state arean twice a year that has been growing every year, the last one we had about 1200 customers come threw. I will post when the next will be (spring time) Thanx for listening to my babling


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