Get out your lederhosen!!!


We will be going to the New Glarus Oktoberfest, in beautiful, Glarus, Wisconsin.



Oktoberfest in New Glarus is the last weekend of September.  We will leaving the morning of Saturday, September 25 and returning Sunday eve, September 26th.



How will we be getting there, you ask?  We have arranged for a bus to take us there and back.  Reggies Rock Club will be providing the wheels for this trip!





Where will we be staying, you ask?  Well, the State Park just outside of the downtown New Glarus is booked up. So, we hunted around and found a Farm that will graciously accommodate us on their grounds (and its right next to the state park).  We have an option of a wooded area or the pasture.  The farm is down a 1/4 mile gravel road and a total distance of 3.2 miles from downtown where Oktoberfest is being held. 


We will also be right next to the New Glarus Brewery for those who may want to visit that as well.




So the plan is as such:  Meet up early, around 8 am.  Load up camping gear and bikes on to the bus.  Get to the farm, set up camp, get stuff ready for bonfire.  Ride down to New Glarus Oktoberfest. Have the time of our lives.  Ride back to camp.  Have that bonfire!!  Sleep if you want to.  Pack up camp around noon. Or 1pm. Or 2. Be home Sunday evening.


Total cost of bus is $650.  Split that  20 ways = $32.50ea, Split that 30 ways = $21.67ea.  The camping itself is on a donation situation - we would like to give the guy $100 - $200...again, split that 20 or 30 ways = less that $5 per person.


We will set up the event to RSVP, but more importantly, we will need a deposit to guarantee the seat on the bus, and so we can make a payment on the bus as well.  We ask for $40.  This will cover EVERYTHING other than your booze and eats.  Any extra money will be either be given back, offered as tip to busdriver, or for the farm. Maybe some firewood, too.  A paypal account is set up, or you can give me or Laura cash.  Receipts will be given.


This bus will be closed out at 40ppl, so please get your RSVP's and funds in ASAP.


Paypal: type in for the account. 




All are welcome



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Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
book a hotel, or sleep on the bus

Gabe said:
Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
ohh this soundsss nice
I'm in if I can arrange a sitter for munchie, so maybe. Gabe, you need to get over your "campophobia." We will be in tents, not dresses! This is going to be so cool. Wisconsin has two official state drinks, milk is one. I prefer the other.
Screw WI.
Go to this instead!
It's cheaper!
With more beer and food!


Gabe said:
Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
Chuck just bring all that beer along. The bus is big enough
Chuck a Muck said:
Screw WI.
Go to this instead!
It's cheaper!
With more beer and food!


Gabe said:
Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
Yeah! I'm gonna get 50 people with 2 kegs each and their equipment/food on a bus!
Plus all the craft brewers who donate multiable kegs!

Laura said:
Chuck just bring all that beer along. The bus is big enough
Chuck a Muck said:
Screw WI.
Go to this instead!
It's cheaper!
With more beer and food!


Gabe said:
Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
Bus is big enough. 80 ppl capacity

Chuck a Muck said:
Yeah! I'm gonna get 50 people with 2 kegs each and their equipment/food on a bus!
Plus all the craft brewers who donate multiable kegs!

Laura said:
Chuck just bring all that beer along. The bus is big enough
Chuck a Muck said:
Screw WI.
Go to this instead!
It's cheaper!
With more beer and food!


Gabe said:
Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
And your not stuck on a bus of smelly humans or paying for drink tickets

Chuck a Muck said:
Screw WI.
Go to this instead!
It's cheaper!
With more beer and food!


Gabe said:
Shit I'd go for the bus but the whole camping thing still sux ;-)
I have to work, otherwise I'd be all up for this, except for the part about setting up a blasted tent. 
Howard, Munchie is a pit bulll/ great dane mix rescued from a terrible prior life who has separation anxiety, not some goldfish. What self-respecting gay man would own a goldfish?
I am not 100% on all showering options, but there is an RV park really close to town, however I am unsure if we can shower there or have to have camped there to shower. We won't be gone for more than a day and a half, so I say, just don't shower. However I will further research this.

We are about 3 miles from where the festival takes place, so you do not NEED a bike. If you would prefer you can walk or I guess hitchhike. The plan is to not use the bus to drive into town, this way the bus driver can party too.

Also there are a couple of trails around and some nice backroads for those who would like to go on a longer bike ride while we are there.

I don't know much about farting, because girls don't fart.

H3N3 said:
Is Munchie a goldfish or a pit bull?

A few questions I had (apologies if it's all there and my reading comprehension is the problem):

-bathroom/shower situation on "the farm?" Truck stop nearby?
-role of bicycles in the weekend/ distance from farm to festival? (i.e. would you be screwed if you just wanted to leave the bike at home?)
-will farting be allowed on the bus, and/or is it outfitted with individual breathing apparati?

Sol said:
I'm in if I can arrange a sitter for munchie, so maybe. Gabe, you need to get over your "campophobia." We will be in tents, not dresses! This is going to be so cool. Wisconsin has two official state drinks, milk is one. I prefer the other.


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