I'm searching for anybody that would video record this Karaoke ride / N.S.C.M.  This will be be 2nd time doing this karaoke ride! The first time we had 76 riders! That's great , But this year we have tweaked this ride a notch up by adding a flat screen monitor for the lyrics. They say "Bikes R' Fun" It's true ! They are even better when your doing karaoke. So why go to a bar when you can sing live in Chicago streets on your bike! This is why I'd like somebody to video record this eventful ride. So the one's that participate in this can show they're non biking friends & families how much fun will have without causing  disturbance  in the streets of Chicago ! So if you would please contact me that would be great.

For the ride details check out below link:

Thanks & be-safe

 My info below:
Tony Riccardo

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You may contact me here: buddaa38@yahoo.com.
I want a pony!!!!!!


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