Glad that you had mentioned this! August 13Th is the greatest day! Why you
say? Well I will tell you on a KARAOKE RIDE! That's right, this is karaoke
WiFi again, But this time Todd may have a surprise for all of us.
Just the fact that we have Karaoke while riding our bikes! How much more
better does that get! Can I get a Whoot! !! Whoot! !! So if you never
been on a North ~ Side Critical Mass ride now is the time to embrace the
greatest moment in history !

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Well some of you may know that we might not have been singing & riding due to Todd Allen's misfortune, But I did receive an e-mail from him a day ago stating it looked better. So let's keep our fingers crossed & start spreading the word out that we will have a monitor for the words . This is will definitely be better than last year.

Last year we had 76 rider's ! This year let's do 3 digits (100), Can I get a Whoot! !! Whoot! !! for Todd Allen & the moving Karaoke show :-)
Sounds like fun


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