But heres another article bout our favorite judge and Brookfield teens.





My favorite is:


Fabian's attorney, Robert Rascia, said he told the judge that his client, who also had no criminal record, had been foolish but not vicious.

"Bumping somebody off a bicycle traveling at a low rate of speed … is a little different than driving up next to somebody and shooting them," he said



I have no criminal record so I wonder what kind of "game" I can come up with that involves my open hand and lawer's that I don't like. Hey I saw it in a game, Its just for fun.. its not like Im stabbing anyone.

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Oh and (not to sound like a facebook stalker or anything) they should have to wear those ankle bracelets that monitor BAC cuz it looks like he's got no problem drinking still.
Round table discussion tonight for those interested-- see the "events."
Judge Kipperman should be forced to ride a bicycle! She is obviously out of her mind and we need to find a new Judge to fill her spot!
Why lawyers pretty much completely suck (save for the times you need one, natch) part 358,922...

Attorney Raul Villalobos, who represented Reza, said he told the judge that his client, who had no criminal record, didn't mean to hurt Juan Gamboa, the cyclist he struck. "There is some game that kids play, a video game, where you get so many points for bumping a bicyclist. … That's basically what they were doing," he said. And Gamboa was not injured, he said.

Now I know that counsel's duty is to serve their client and nothing more, but I'd still love to hear how this guy would craft his argument if said video game featured a level of women pushing strollers.
We're having a meeting to night to talk about this case with cyclists that are lawyers to see how this really played out - I'll ask. ;-) Maybe it'll be answered by then.
You know how no one ever really pays attention to the judge elections.........well this is a perfect example of why everyone should make wise choices when selecting judges and not just vote for whoever's name sounds familiar/is a democrat.
For those who want to know more about the judges prior to an election, check out the following site: http://voteforjudges.org/

(I'm not affiliated with the site, but I find it informative and useful.)
This site has been a life saver for me-- glad you posted it..
Without a resource like this most people end up voting either randomly, or by perceived gender/ethnicity. But how to get a significant percentage of voters to use such a resource?
Tonight I hope to come away with an idea of how much of this can be pinned on the judge.

Sue Clark said:
For those who want to know more about the judges prior to an election, check out the following site: http://voteforjudges.org/

(I'm not affiliated with the site, but I find it informative and useful.)
"You can't sentence somebody based on what might have happened," Rascia said.

Oh yes you can, that's why penalties for DUI are so stiff.
I would love to know what video game he's talking about. As an avid gamer, I don't know any game where you get points for "bumping" cyclists.

Michael Perz said:
Why lawyers pretty much completely suck (save for the times you need one, natch) part 358,922...

Attorney Raul Villalobos, who represented Reza, said he told the judge that his client, who had no criminal record, didn't mean to hurt Juan Gamboa, the cyclist he struck. "There is some game that kids play, a video game, where you get so many points for bumping a bicyclist. … That's basically what they were doing," he said. And Gamboa was not injured, he said.

Now I know that counsel's duty is to serve their client and nothing more, but I'd still love to hear how this guy would craft his argument if said video game featured a level of women pushing strollers.
We in Wisconsin had a case where a cyclist was killed by a drunk driver relatively recently. In the Racine County case against Janell Gehrke, who killed Nancy Sellars, Gehrke who blew .21 was sentenced to 4 yrs. at Taycheedah Women's Correctional Facility. It's obvious that Judge Kipperman is lax on drunk drivers, even by Wisconsin's notoriously lenient standards.


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