I guess motorcycles count as bikes?




Has anyone ever posted a motorcycle on here before?





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Ha! Ask Howard ;-)
I feel sorry for the guy, but it's hilarious that that report was accepted. I guess the CSBR is expanding.
I thought maybe it was a joke.
Yesssss!!!!! It came in and I published it this morning (or was it last night) with a comment to the other site people per e-mail of "let's see if anyone notices" :-)

Great catch. Sorry all the prizes were given out at Bingo last night . . .

It's unpublished now . . . it was pointed out to me it might bring in more motorcycle reports.
I feel kind of badly though-- it was a very detailed report . . .
And a screenshot for anyone feeling badly that they missed it . . .
Just noticed the blurb about the reward . . . feeling less guilty now.
NEVER pay a thief for anything.

What no prize?

H3N3 said:

Great catch. Sorry all the prizes were given out at Bingo last night . . .

So my unicycle would not be eligible? ? ?
two unicycles, maybe.
You have a unicycle? I have a unicycle!

Marty A. said:
So my unicycle would not be eligible? ? ?


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