Some of the Marauders witnessed an individual who was a victims of a terrible crash. The way his head and neck hit the pavement looked critical. Does anyone know what happened to him? I'm concerned and haven't found anything out on the internets.

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When I volunteered at the MSI rest stop for Bike the Drive, we had to put this disgusting Gatorade-type powder that tasted like lime Alka-Seltzer in half the water dispensers, presumably for sponsorship reasons. Granted that BtD involves a distance a lot of the riders aren't used to, I don't need any kind of sports drink for anything under about 70 miles and I certainly don't think most of these people did, so I thought that was a bit over the top. Skipping out on the water to pass out various sorts of fruity beverages, though, strikes me as being downright irresponsible.
As I said in the post to the Marauders group, "douchebags and suburban idiots". That's who this ride caters too, or at least tries. The Marauders started out besotted, are rumored too have drank alcoholic beverages the whole way, and certainly drank afterwards, and had no problems. There are plenty of quicky-marts along the route that are open 24-7 and sell bottled water. Sorry, but I have no sympathy for most of these people. The exception being those taken out by other riders who F-d up. That's why the PR for Marauders is tightly controlled, we don't want just any idiot with a bike with us, or we would have to deal with this crap.
Well if the food sux then I would.

"should i bring my own food to the restaurant"
I avoid sponsored rides. I just can't see myself paying to ride. I agree as others have stated that many people on those rides will be unexperienced cyclists and may unintentionally mess the ride up for me. I stick to CM, and my own adventures. John Greenfield's Perimeter Ride is probably the most organized ride I'll do. I also wouldn't leave my hydration in anyone's hands but mine.


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