Vintage garb, classic bikes, cake, boats, singing, showtunes, a picnic, a dose of history, a few pints of beer, and no little bit of humor. Looks like the weather's going to be friendly, and the company perhaps a bit more so ;)

Sorry about the date change.
Hopefully the change means you CAN come, and join us for a dandy outing!

And here's photos of the ride - a delight-filled jaunt!

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very sad... again.. that i cannot join your ride carl. :(
Yes....... very sad indeed! Maybe next time! You looked quite fetching in a pith helmet!
WHy not?

shar said:
very sad... again.. that i cannot join your ride carl. :(
It's gonna hafta be tweed-lite, tomorrow! Looks as though it'll be a gorgeous one, though rather muggy. Skirts, shorts and short-sleeves appear to be the call of the day! We'll be gravitating towards shade, and stopping for refreshments along the way. Come in your jungle-fairing best, and don't forget a canteen!
Today's the Tweed! Weather looks FABULOUS, and everything is prepared!
It's been hinted that someone will appear as the Queen herself.
Dress to impress (in some former equatorial colony), and let's go for a cracking ride!


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