The Chainlink

Tonight around 1:30am I confronted a guy with a battery powered grinder on a lock at the corner of Belmont and Broadway. The bike was a Lemond road bike with the number 3413 on the top tube. I walked up to the guy and asked him what he was doing and he said that he lost his key. I had some words with the guy for a few minutes and saw a guy down the block on the phone. I kept him occupied long enough for the cops to show up. They took my ID ran it found nothing I missed last call but still had time to buy booze.

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Did you guys get the police officers names?

P.s. No way the cops new the value of the bike. Yes they dropped the ball, but let's be realistic about that one. ;-)
I didn't get the cops names. I did mention to one of them that the bike was probably worth about $1500. He just made some response about how stupid it was for the owner to leave a bike worth that much outside.

Gabe said:
Did you guys get the police officers names?

P.s. No way the cops new the value of the bike. Yes they dropped the ball, but let's be realistic about that one. ;-)
The station should have a record of the responding officers. If they knew how much that bike was potentially worth, and still did not do their job then we really need to start insisting that police officers in this city don't take bike theft lightly.

Whether or not its "smart" to have a bike that expensive outside, cutting the lock off and stealing it is a crime and charges should be filed when a thief is caught.

steve rulz said:
I didn't get the cops names. I did mention to one of them that the bike was probably worth about $1500. He just made some response about how stupid it was for the owner to leave a bike worth that much outside.

I recommend going to the local Beat/CAPS meeting. I was planning on going to the upcoming one for my area of Lakeview but will be out of town. Here is a link to the website with the information.

We need to make others aware of what is going on and the apparent lack of what is being done about it. I plan on going to the July one and will try to get an ‘event’ going for it to get more people to go.
This is a better idea then filing the complaint. ;-) Though to each there own. Don't run a red light though. :-)

Laura said:
I recommend going to the local Beat/CAPS meeting. I was planning on going to the upcoming one for my area of Lakeview but will be out of town. Here is a link to the website with the information.

We need to make others aware of what is going on and the apparent lack of what is being done about it. I plan on going to the July one and will try to get an ‘event’ going for it to get more people to go.
Once again we arrive at the bike-theft-sting idea. It is a concept I like, but have never envisioned coming to a good end.
I had my Jamis Coda Elite stolen around the area about a month ago; heavily trafficked area, Kryptonite orange + additional cable lock. Last time I ride a nice bike in Chicago (my '94 converted Bridgestone that I rode for 12 years lives forever in my memory!).

I want the person arrested & prosecuted. I'm a bit troubled at how violent some of my thoughts have been regarding the scenario of me catching him/him/him/her in the act. I do believe the life of a person stealing bikes is pathetic, socially disconnected, and desperate. I'm not really sure what I would have done had I been there. But I know my more boyish reactions host the seed of what drove them to do it in the first place.

No answers, just thoughts.
What does that say about people who park cars on the street?

steve rulz said:
I didn't get the cops names. I did mention to one of them that the bike was probably worth about $1500. He just made some response about how stupid it was for the owner to leave a bike worth that much outside.
Define "good end."

(I am 100% up for a sting operation.)

Martin Hazard said:
Once again we arrive at the bike-theft-sting idea. It is a concept I like, but have never envisioned coming to a good end.
Objective-- get it on film, get good pics of the perp (and of course don't let them get away with a bike).
Icing: Police involvement with actual follow-up/follow-through (insert Santa Claus and Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy and bridge-for-sale joke here.)
Not: any sort of physical violence or aggression towards the perp.
Ummm. Why is this thread-heading "Lakeview bike thief arrested"? Was he, or not?
The post title was edited for accuracy.

Michael J Blane said:
Ummm. Why is this thread-heading "Lakeview bike thief arrested"? Was he, or not?


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