Active Trans wants YOU to celebrate with us all week June 12-18!

It's free, team leaders get a free technical fabric T-shirt and you'll be helping to encourage bike commuting with your co-workers!

Please sign up and spread the word about this great free program.

We'll also be hosting 25-30 Commuter Stations (early morning and after work celebrations with coffee, giveaways, treats and more) during the week all around the region. Full schedule will be announced soon here:

Thanks in advance for your support, Chainlink community!

Ethan, with Active Trans

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Hey bike commuters, just a reminder that we'd love to have you sign up for Bike to Work Week.

It's free.

You get a tech fabric T-shirt.

The more companies that are signed up, the easier it will be for us to get sponsorship and funding to give away more free stuff during Bike to Work Week.

You'll be encouraging bike commuting at your work...about 1/3 of the people who participate in Bike to Work week are trying it for the first time!

Any questions? Who's signed up??


Ethan, with Active Trans
I signed up Coldwell Banker! Now I just need to find my bikey co-workers!


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