so here is the deal i have a sweet roof top located just outside my indoor patio in avondale just out side of Logan square on Milwaukee ave and i want to get a bunch of people together for a ride/bbq/outdoor movie event to kick off the summer of awesomeness this i want the ride to start somewhat in the afternoon and lead it to the evening where you can end it on my roof for a byob bqq then when the sun goes down we can bust out a projector and watch some bike related movies what i need help with is this

1. projector for the movie
2.  better bbg mine broke at my last crazy bbq
3. music trailer for the ride
4  awesome spokes card design
5.some awesome bike related movie suggestions or supply me with some movies
6. and anything else that you can recommended

I'm hoping to get this all together for early june for when i get back from my portland trip.
I'm really excited to get this all planned out it will be my first time planing anything like this alone so all help would be great. if all goes well i might have them more often.


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i can come by and give the captain to all!!!
This sounds sooo fun! I'm game and can bring food and help cook. There's also "American Flyers" as a movie candidate. Young Kevin Costner in lycra...yummy
I have 2 weber grills I can contribute. I have a copy (iggy actually has current possesion) of Bicycle Dreams, It's a great Doc about the RAAM race.
This sound so amazingly fun.

I can donate my vegan three 6 mafia inspired BBQ skills. ( I make a bomb ass BBQ sauce, ask Lorena Cupcake.) I have a mini-grill I can bring as well.

Even more usefully I can put on my cloak and wizard hat and dj beats in between shooting off magic missiles and fireballs as DJ Tacopunch of the Tacoskull Kill Krew. (If you want to kick the tires I'm DJing at the Realicide (Cinci DIY gabber punx) show on Satruday.)

Movies? I wish Hackers was all about bikes and not roller blades.
I would like to vouch that Senor Tacolexa's Three Six Mafia barbecue sauce is so dank, it shoves Sweet Baby Ray back into his mother's womb.

I would probably make grilled pineapple with balsamic strawberry sauce, mostly because I would eat it every single day if I owned my own grill. Mm. Grilled pineapple.

EDIT: Oh, also, what sort of info/logo/etc would you want on a spoke card? I don't want to volunteer anyone, but I may know a bike ninja and hella good artist who may be in the process of purchasing a laminater for the sole purpose of making spoke cards. What sort of thing were you looking for?
yummy fantastico on the grill pineapple and bbq sauce that is as dank as you say it is. I have a friend as of right now designing the spokes card.

Lorena Cupcake said:
I would like to vouch that Senor Tacolexa's Three Six Mafia barbecue sauce is so dank, it shoves Sweet Baby Ray back into his mother's womb.

I would probably make grilled pineapple with balsamic strawberry sauce, mostly because I would eat it every single day if I owned my own grill. Mm. Grilled pineapple.

EDIT: Oh, also, what sort of info/logo/etc would you want on a spoke card? I don't want to volunteer anyone, but I may know a bike ninja and hella good artist who may be in the process of purchasing a laminater for the sole purpose of making spoke cards. What sort of thing were you looking for?
that all of this sounds pretty freakin kick ass and I'm down to try that bbq sauce for realz. as for your dj skills they could possible be used while everything is cookin and eatin

Jason Tacolexa said:
This sound so amazingly fun.

I can donate my vegan three 6 mafia inspired BBQ skills. ( I make a bomb ass BBQ sauce, ask Lorena Cupcake.) I have a mini-grill I can bring as well.

Even more usefully I can put on my cloak and wizard hat and dj beats in between shooting off magic missiles and fireballs as DJ Tacopunch of the Tacoskull Kill Krew. (If you want to kick the tires I'm DJing at the Realicide (Cinci DIY gabber punx) show on Satruday.)

Movies? I wish Hackers was all about bikes and not roller blades.
Oh, no! That's the weekend of Comfest! This is an extremely difficult choice, pretty much nothing sounds better than a rooftop bike BBQ but I have been promising Columbus friends that I'd be in town for Comfest for months. Sigh.
what do you think about the 19th? i was informed by shay that tour da fat is that day also fbc so i dont want to interfere with that also soo... yeah haha.

Lorena Cupcake said:
Oh, no! That's the weekend of Comfest! This is an extremely difficult choice, pretty much nothing sounds better than a rooftop bike BBQ but I have been promising Columbus friends that I'd be in town for Comfest for months. Sigh.
I believe the 19th would be the Midnight Marauders ride....just sayin'. Sorry! Not trying to ruin your plans. There are just so many cool bike events going on around that time!

Amanda Olbrys said:
what do you think about the 19th? i was informed by shay that tour da fat is that day also fbc so i dont want to interfere with that also soo... yeah haha.

Lorena Cupcake said:
Oh, no! That's the weekend of Comfest! This is an extremely difficult choice, pretty much nothing sounds better than a rooftop bike BBQ but I have been promising Columbus friends that I'd be in town for Comfest for months. Sigh.
i know the marauders ride is the 19th but i figure the bash will not last past midnight anyways just so the people that live around me will not start a yelling. and maybe i can talk martin into having the ride start at my place.

Shay said:
I believe the 19th would be the Midnight Marauders ride....just sayin'. Sorry! Not trying to ruin your plans. There are just so many cool bike events going on around that time!

Amanda Olbrys said:
what do you think about the 19th? i was informed by shay that tour da fat is that day also fbc so i dont want to interfere with that also soo... yeah haha.

Lorena Cupcake said:
Oh, no! That's the weekend of Comfest! This is an extremely difficult choice, pretty much nothing sounds better than a rooftop bike BBQ but I have been promising Columbus friends that I'd be in town for Comfest for months. Sigh.


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