The Chainlink

So call me crazy but up until last night for the past two years I used to think I had this unspoken bond with other bikers, from head knods in the winter or that night time bell ring as I pass by. I started dating this girl, and my passion for bikes spread to her. So yesterday afternoon after much consideration, she became "fixed." She was glowing with excitement. We went to goldies on Lincoln down the street from where I live to celebrate. I'm watching the hockey game and she's like, "oh look some fellow bikers with neon colored rims are checking out my bike." Well come to find out, they were stealing my girlfriends 4 hour old new rear rim. So to the skinny guy with neon deep v's, pray to God I don't see you, cause I will not only fuck with your bike but with your face as well. Just giving you a heads up, be on the look out with this bastard and if you come across him, introduce him to the Chicago pavement for me. So much for the bond among bikers.

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Well don't go recording anything. That's never a good idea ;-)
Include Lincoln between Lawrence and Leland on your sweeps. Lots of bikes are always parked on that street and lots of thefts happen. Friend of mine had his ride stolen last year in the middle of the day, opposite The Huettenbar while they were in tipping back a half-litre. Whoever they were broke his u-lock and took off.

I hate thieves.

NathanForrest said:
Ass cans will be taught a lesson. I have a month left before I peace out to California but if that means riding around western and Leland where they hang out so be it, I will keep you all posted, and will include pictures of the damage to be done.

Gabe said:
If there weren't so many rides this weekend I'd say we have some fun but it's gonna be raining too and i doubt the dedication of the thieving biker. Ass cans must be taught lessons.
I saw a skinny guy on Division today with neon green deep V's (matching neon chain and bar tape, black frame) and thought about taking a photo... and then I remembered that there's probably more than one skinny guy with neon rims in Chicago. I hope for everyone's sake that if you do catch up with someone fitting that description, an innocent person doesn't end up getting hurt.


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