The Chainlink

How Many of you Grow Breards for winter Riding?

As much as I hate it. It keeps my face warm.

I can't wear Face Masks or Balaclavas. I can breath with those on and I can't blow my Snot with those over my face

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i get all kinds of ice build-up on my mustache in winter. but conversely to growing hair, ive decided to shave my head...tired of the hat hair.
I like it when I get the frozen beard. It makes me feel hard core.
I have a nascent beard coming in, as I usually grow one for winter. I have always found it to make a huge difference, and that was really driven home when I once shaved it off in the middle of winter... big mistake.
I figure in the winter I want to Stay warm with the Natural way God gave us. So I grow a Beard let my hair grow slightly longer as I now cut it with a No 2 instead of a No 1. I'm not out for any fashion Statement. I just want to stay warm.

I also have a old (30 Years possibly) pair of fleece lined Cow Hind mittens I wear on cold days like today.
Not poking fun, but if you take the random words that you capitalized in this post you get

Stay Natural Beard Statement (note, you can argue whether or not God is a random capitalization)

As I just quit my job and don't really have a good reason to keep shaving aside from conforming to acceptable social standards I'm all for participating in the SNBS.... the Stay Natural Beard Statement.

Norm Hansen said:
I figure in the winter I want to Stay warm with the Natural way God gave us. So I grow a Beard let my hair grow slightly longer as I now cut it with a No 2 instead of a No 1. I'm not out for any fashion Statement. I just want to stay warm.
I also have a old (30 Years possibly) pair of fleece lined Cow Hind mittens I wear on cold days like today.
I do not grow a beard for winter riding.
I started to grow one this year, and I think I'll be doing it every year from now on.
A beard is a year-round accessory!
I'm thinking about it this winter. But it's only June so I have a few months to decide..... :))
Breards? Love the feel of frozen breard hair around your mouth in winter. And that breath heavy, sort of dry / melt it feel through a balaclava.. snot in the stache in winter.. hell even a few weeks ago after a long ride and bending down to lock up, I was dripping snot. So are we starting the Stay Natural Breard Statement (SNBS)?

I think most of us do the year round, but I trim it less frequently during winter. Keep the head hair longer then too, but now I am moving back to summer-shave-non-hat-head mode.
I feel hardcore when I show up at work and my coffee is frozen.

Davo said:
I like it when I get the frozen beard. It makes me feel hard core.
GAH! Every time I try an travel with my hot cocoa I always end up with the stuff all over my gloves or hands. every time no matter what cup/lid i use.


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