The Chainlink

Tonight someone stole my rear wheel at Winchester and Chicago Ave., between 2 and 4 am. Red Velocity rim with silver filp-flop Miche hub, black spokes. I built this myself and it is my only way to get around. I'm disappointed and sad. Please help.

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Hi, this sucks and It's always a hard lesson. It happens to all of us who ride with regularity. Anyway If You are just desperate for a rim to get moving on I have more than I need nothing fancy, just transportation. You can tell Me exactly what size and I'll look if poss. I'll give You one if You need.
thats why we lock it up and have an extra wheel on hand. you can borrow the tallbike (the other one).
A friend lent me a wheel for now, but thanks for the offer. In the meantime, please keep an eye out!

Smokin Bakin said:
Hi, this sucks and It's always a hard lesson. It happens to all of us who ride with regularity. Anyway If You are just desperate for a rim to get moving on I have more than I need nothing fancy, just transportation. You can tell Me exactly what size and I'll look if poss. I'll give You one if You need.


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