Need a date for the Sadie Hawkins Day race on November 8th? Post up here.... remember, guys/girls, a girl should ask you to race. If you need a date (which doesn't imply that you'll be, in any way, connected to that person except for trying to keep up with them!), post here. Remember, you can do the race FF, MF, MMF, MFF, MFFF, MFFFF, MFFFFF, etc....but boys, you need a female with you. Why?

Race is for two people teams, with at least one female per team.
$5 for women, $10 for men or $20 for unaccompanied men. That's right, guys. Bring a female race partner or pay $40!

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That said, I need a partner. :-) I can bring the chocolate+gatorade cocktail that will push my team over to a win!
It's true, he really will hook it up with the candy and electrolytes! :)
How can you do MFFFF or whatever, when it's 2 person teams? I don't get it. In any case, I'd like to add my name to the list of eligible (race)bachelors.
Ol' crankypants here will offer his racing services as well.

I promise that I'll ride to win. Really, I want that custom bike and paintjob.
k8 said:
It's true, he really will hook it up with the candy and electrolytes! :)
heh, but next time I'll have it in my bag instead of having to stop! :-)
I'm doing it with my that weird?

Angelina did it with her bro... and everyone was pretty ok with it...and then she shacked up with Brad Pitt

Riding a bike with your bro is probably fine.
hahah very funny Tommie.

Well, we did the UAR together and had fun, so why not a little SHD? Plus he won't hate me forever if we don't win! I would have offered to partnered up with some of you fine gentlemen but I'll be honest, I'm in it for fun and laughs, not trying to win. I wouldn't want to let anyone down. But good luck finding ladies ;o)

Tommie said:

Angelina did it with her bro... and everyone was pretty ok with it...and then she shacked up with Brad Pitt

Riding a bike with your bro is probably fine.
im down but i wanna win! where does it say what the prize is for winning?
I'd be down. Let's have a mixer; speed date for speedy date.
Ashley said:
I'm doing it with my that weird?

Nah, last year there was a "Team Incest" too!
I'm still looking for a partner. Preferably one with an excellent sense of direction since mine is horrible. Really horrible. Kate can back me up on that one.


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