for the transpo geeks: Ray LaHood on the Daily Show 12/15

I was happily surprised Jon Stewart brought up the fact that although most Americans fear terrorist attacks, which are infrequent, many thousands die in car accidents every year (about 43,000, although JS wasn't quite so specific) with little notice. full episodes are available at

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Cool beans, Heather.
Here's the vid:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Ray LaHood
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

Relevant portion starts around 5:10.
Really great stuff, we're very excited about his work and it's so good to get the word out in such a respected political forum (that's also funny).

For additional transportation geekiness, here's a blog from our Executive Director, Rob Sadowsky about his recent meeting with Secretary LaHood (includes some local perspective):

Also, Ray LaHood's recent blog:

Ethan, with Active Trans

PS: Beyond talking tough on distracted driving and new transportation opportunities/options, how about his Chicago-style "Lookit" in the middle of the interview??

PPS: OK, Peoria-style.
Sound like the real terrorists are the car dealers and manufacturers
FatTireFool said:
Sound like the real terrorists are the car dealers and manufacturers

Actually... No. People aren't afraid of cars.
Great find, Heather. I usually just watch the daily show up to the interview, bu this was worth it

Active Transportation Alliance said:
Really great stuff, we're very excited about his work and it's so good to get the word out in such a respected political forum (that's also funny).
Ethan, with Active Trans

For a while, I thought you were commenting ("that's also funny") on your own wittiness. Then it dawned on me that you actually believe that the Daily show is "such a respected political forum" and it is "also funny". Now *that* is funny ;)
I think being hilarious is in the Active Trans mission...(smile)

Ethan, with Active Trans

Duppie said:
Great find, Heather. I usually just watch the daily show up to the interview, bu this was worth it

Active Transportation Alliance said:
Really great stuff, we're very excited about his work and it's so good to get the word out in such a respected political forum (that's also funny).
Ethan, with Active Trans

For a while, I thought you were commenting ("that's also funny") on your own wittiness. Then it dawned on me that you actually believe that the Daily show is "such a respected political forum" and it is "also funny". Now *that* is funny ;)


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