on maybe selling the fixie to fund a full carbon road bike

Thinking about selling this fixed gear:

I never ride it anymore, and I have an 18 speed, a 90s Diamondback road bike which I now use only occasionally, that I could use as a beater for all the same things I used this fixie bike for and more (except skidding...oh well). AND I could apply the money to the hole in my bank account I would create if I buy this bike:

before it goes back back up in price after christmas.

They have it at Performance Bikes in Naperville, in my size and everything.

Has anyone had experience with selling their fixie conversions? I'm guessing I could get about $200 for mine: 1/8 inch chain, 18/14t fixed/fixed flip flop rear hub, full fenders...ready to ride. I figure I'd sell it on Craigslist and/or maybe throw it into the marketplace here as well.

I have a couple friends with Scattantes, and they both seem to really like them. This is one of the least expensive full carbon bikes I've seen new ($1,199 marked down from $1,699). Has anyone owned a Scattante on here?

Right now I'm at a point in my life where if I ever want a really light racing style bike, now is the time to buy it (the one positive aspect of living at your parent's house in suburbia after graduating from college, I might never have an extra thousand-some dollars to spend on a bike EVER AGAIN). But, $1200 is still A LOT of money to spend on a bike. Any thoughts, experiences, etc. would be appreciated. I have the day off work today and probably need to go to the bike shop where they have the Scattante in my size to pick up the miscellaneous stuff I forgot to buy yesterday when I saw this bike.

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I can't imagine spending $1200 on a bike. It seems insane to me. I would never want a bike that I'd be nervous about locking up anywhere or would be reluctant to take out in the rain or snow.

But you may be right. You may never be able to justify it or afford it again, and that sounds like reason enough to do it now while you can. The LBS, even if it is a Performance, could probably really use your money right now so dumping some cash into the local(ish) economy would be good for all of us. Go for it.

As for selling the fixie, $200 seems to be on high end of what people are asking for conversions on CL. It seems a bit high, but having dumped > $400 into my Schwinn Continental conversion already (including the original $80 for the bike), if I was in the market for a cheap fixie and didn't enjoy the process of building one up, $200 would be a better deal* than doing one myself. But somehow it still seems high. If someone just wanted a fixed gear bike and didn't want the joy and fun of doing the work themselves it seems like coughing up an additional $150 or so to get a bikesdirect bike would be a lot more sensible.

*I didn't get the Continental with converting it in mind. That came later. I plan to avoid some of the costs I incurred next time by avoiding the steel rims and ashtabula cranks etc. I just mention this because the $400 figure is far more than the minimum one has to spend to do a conversion.
I probably wouldn't lock it up anywhere, ever, which would prove very annoying I think. I'd only be using this for recreational rides and any triathlons or other races I do in the future--the types of rides that start and end at the same location. Buying this bike is going against most of what I believe bikes should be used for (besides the going really fast on open roads part), but I still would love to have it to go really fast!

Tony Adams said:
I can't imagine spending $1200 on a bike. It seems insane to me. I would never want a bike that I'd be nervous about locking up anywhere or would be reluctant to take out in the rain or snow.

But you may be right. You may never be able to justify it or afford it again, and that sounds like reason enough to do it now while you can. The LBS, even if it is a Performance, could probably really use your money right now so dumping some cash into the local(ish) economy would be good for all of us. Go for it.

As for selling the fixie, $200 seems to be on high end of what people are asking for conversions on CL. It seems a bit high, but having dumped > $400 into my Schwinn Continental conversion already (including the original $80 for the bike), if I was in the market for a cheap fixie and didn't enjoy the process of building one up, $200 would be a better deal than doing one myself. But somehow it still seems high. If someone just wanted a fixed gear bike and didn't want the joy and fun of doing the work themselves it seems like coughing up an additional $150 or so to get a bikesdirect bike would be a lot more sensible.
I'd stay away from cheap crabon.
I would rather not live in my parents basement in the suburbs
I really don't find this bike to be a great build. I think you are cutting yourself short by trying to get rid of the money burning a hole in your pocket.
I think you are about to become a victim of Performance's very insidious marketing and pricing strategy.
1. At Performance you never, ever pay full price. That $1699 is meaningless, because no one has ever paid that for that bike.
2. Performance has regular sales prices, but they tend to differ in "shape", meaning sometimes it may be $1199 + 10 additional off, next week it is $1099. Also, don't discount their membership program: Usually you get 10% back, but some weekends you get 20% back. I believe that one time they had 25% back, but I'm not sure about that.
3. They have a 90 day price guarantee, so in effect you can buy for the lowest price 90 days into the future.

I've seen numerous people fall into this trap. They walk into a Performance store, see a bike heavily discounted and think this is a now-or-never deal. Part of this is because Performance is the only bike shop that discounts this heavily year round.

So, slow down and take a breather. First figure out whether this is truly the bike you want. This may take a while. Then once you narrowed it down, look for the best price

As far as the quality goes, I've never ridden one, but they are made in the same Chinese factories that make other Pacific brands you will find at Performance
you can get a specialized roubaix c2 http://kozy.com/product/10-specialized-roubaix-compact-58147-1.htm which retails for 1699 at the kozys halsted store for 25% off if you use the north halsted alliance bucks. http://www.northalsted.com/pages/promotions/5.php
comes to 1291 before tax. so for about $100 more, you are getting a top brand, full 105 bike which is going to give you a better ride. you'll also get rid of those alex wheels for some entry mavics.
just a personal opinion, regardless of the fact that I do work there. just trying to help out. the bucks are a great way to get 25% off ANYTHING!
a) I think if you are willing to wait until next spring, you will find someone on Craigslist who will pay more than $200 for the fixie. If you want to sell it now, not so much.

b) if you don't foresee having so much spare cash in your pocket again, you should probably think about buying something that is less inclined to crack than carbon.
cool, thanks all. I don't think I'm going to buy it. I went in to look at it again today, and I just don't like the idea of buying large purchases from performance, so I left. Then I checked this thing and it turned out to be consistent with my own feelings.

and thanks for this tip, as well:
nik was here said:
you can get a specialized roubaix c2 http://kozy.com/product/10-specialized-roubaix-compact-58147-1.htm which retails for 1699 at the kozys halsted store for 25% off if you use the north halsted alliance bucks. http://www.northalsted.com/pages/promotions/5.php
comes to 1291 before tax. so for about $100 more, you are getting a top brand, full 105 bike which is going to give you a better ride. you'll also get rid of those alex wheels for some entry mavics. just a personal opinion, regardless of the fact that I do work there. just trying to help out. the bucks are a great way to get 25% off ANYTHING!
I linked to that horrifying site in an earlier post.

Good call to skip on the Scat.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Full carbon, eh?

Check out this site: Busted Carbon
Ya, I noticed too late. Deleted my post.

Kelvin Mulcky said:
I linked to that horrifying site in an earlier post.

Good call to skip on the Scat.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Full carbon, eh?

Check out this site: Busted Carbon
Sam Schild said:
cool, thanks all. I don't think I'm going to buy it. I went in to look at it again today, and I just don't like the idea of buying large purchases from performance, so I left. Then I checked this thing and it turned out to be consistent with my own feelings.

I didn't mean to imply that you shouldn't buy from Performance at all. I have bought a bike from them before and still shop there for parts and clothing and the like. Just don't fall for their pricing strategies. Buy it because you think it is a good bike, not just because you think it is a now-or-never deal.


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