bait bikes? they should.

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Ask some fishermen.

I'd prefer bite bikes - bikes that bite people who try to steal them.
haha. yeah...the fuzz is who im talkin bout. someone left a super nice bike locked up at my work...where alot of bikes get stolen. its been there for days and days...

H3N3 said:
If you mean do they put out bikes to be stolen as part of a sting operation, and "they" is the Chicago Police Department or any other governmental entity, the answer is no, property crimes in general are no longer a concern of Chicago's Finest.

If you mean does the cycling community self-organize to hold such sting operations, it certainly should but everyone's apparently just too busy with work and whatever to get it together.

If you're talking about a cargo bike used to transport live minnows . . . I have no doubt there's someone who does it somewhere in this city.
they coulda lost the keys...and are afraid of cutting the lock in fear they will be accused of stealing their own bike...?
do you need a car jack?
CPS should lock up a Cervélo S3 with one of those dinky combination-lock cables and station a sniper on the rooftop across the street. Anyone starts messing with the lock and "BAM!", one fewer bicycle thief. I have more suggestions if anyone is interested.
joe said:
someone left a super nice bike locked up at my work...where alot of bikes get stolen. its been there for days and days...

...and you want to know if it you can steal it without being busted?
no. im not big on taking ppls stuff unless they have taken from me. just seemed odd. its a 1100$ trek with the belt drive. i like parking my junk bike next to it. and its got all the fancy locking nuts and what not to help from bein parted out. so maybe its somones experiment.

Wild Bill said:
joe said:
someone left a super nice bike locked up at my work...where alot of bikes get stolen. its been there for days and days...

...and you want to know if it you can steal it without being busted?
joe said:
no. im not big on taking ppls stuff unless they have taken from me. just seemed odd. its a 1100$ trek with the belt drive. i like parking my junk bike next to it. and its got all the fancy locking nuts and what not to help from bein parted out. so maybe its somones experiment.

Just messing with ya'.

That is weird, though. Maybe they get to work early and leave late and are OCD about their parking location?

I had a well-used $120 MTB from Target stolen from the train station when I left it locked up for a few hours and some lucky jerk leaves a new Trek locked up for a week without it rolling off? Life's not fair, I tell ya
alot of bike get stolen from that spot. mostly from not being locked up right...a couple were hack saw'd off..and its on video bike got lifted a couple years ago from the same spot where this bike is..haha
I lay a bait whenever i run into someplace for food. I am always sitting within eye shot of the bike. I usually take the skewers out or pop the brakes of (not fixed), and there are a few things that need to be done before it can safely ride. but no matter what I do I always hold something heavy and swing-able bye my side.
I lock it for any other occasion, but usually I don't leave my bike outside anyways, so.


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