Poor Phillip Menefee who apparently tried to steal a christmas tree and make his getaway on his bicycle. Much as we love the splendid simple machine, there are times it makes sense to find a different getaway plan.

Like an overcoat and the bus.



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Too bad there wasn't more backgound on this. I read this stuff and always have questions. How did he motorize that bike? Where was he going to put that Christmas tree anyway?

I don't know, it looks like he would have gotten away with it if he hadn't used the motor. The only reason the cops were called out to investigate and found like was the motor noise by the christmas tree lot.

Who steals a tree with a bike? I totally understand transporting things on your bike, but you can't exactly collapse the tree branches for ease of transport. Or should that be ease of theft?

I never said it was easy, but this guy seemed to have chosen a particularly difficult mode of transport for a tree.

M.A.R.K. said:
No one said this life was easy.. Riding bikes, and transporting(not thieving)things that is..

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Who steals a tree with a bike? I totally understand transporting things on your bike, but you can't exactly collapse the tree branches for ease of transport. Or should that be ease of theft?
I can't believe we're debating this, but here goes: A good present without a tree above? Still a good present.

And stilll, tree? bicycle? Maybe if its branches were tied up, and he had an 8-foot trailer. Maybe

M.A.R.K. said:
Perhaps it was his only mode of transport and wanted to give his kids the Christmas he never got.. Do parents not say how they want to give their kids what they didn't have.. What's a good present without a tree above it?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I never said it was easy, but this guy seemed to have chosen a particularly difficult mode of transport for a tree.
M.A.R.K. said:
No one said this life was easy.. Riding bikes, and transporting(not thieving)things that is..

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Who steals a tree with a bike? I totally understand transporting things on your bike, but you can't exactly collapse the tree branches for ease of transport. Or should that be ease of theft?
Damn you Tribune! Give us more details! The ridiculousness factor must be determined!

M.A.R.K. said:
Not debating, just being difficult..

How big could this tree have been? It was only 40.00 and the report said that he was balancing it on his handlebars..
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Damn you Tribune! Give us more details! The ridiculousness factor must be determined!

On the ridiculousness scale of 1 to 10, this one goes to at least 11.
Dunno, I find it kind of sad. Guy's probably built this rig because of DUIs and no license, not out of bike-love or geekiness.

Joe said:
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Damn you Tribune! Give us more details! The ridiculousness factor must be determined!

On the ridiculousness scale of 1 to 10, this one goes to at least 11.


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