While cleaning an old Trek cromolly 720 I compleatly took off the center pull cantilever brake assembly (front and back) to clean all the little pieces. Foolishly, I didn't pay attention to how it all went togeather. Does anyone know where I can find a diagram of how to put all the springs and bits back togeather? I've had no luck finding the style on various patent sites. I thought Id check here before going to a shop.

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you are awesome. This is my stand by bike, one of those who found their way to you some how. Its just a beater but I'll try to post a pic of it on here soon.
Those green-to-purple things must be friggin tanks because we got them in at the shop all. the. time.

They were all in decent condition, minor repairs only. I can't remember one being a hard repair/tune. Cool!
Hey do you guys sell them or donate them to N.F.P. organizations. if so please contact me off here. Thanks Tony

Jessica said:
Those green-to-purple things must be friggin tanks because we got them in at the shop all. the. time.

They were all in decent condition, minor repairs only. I can't remember one being a hard repair/tune. Cool!
Perhaps if you gave a brand of brake we might be able to better respond.

Yes - the 720 Multitrack looks like an excellent choice for touring. All steel with fender and rack mounts.
We don't take in old bikes... we recommend that people sell them online because all we do is cut the BB and trash them (for the super cruddy ones) so people don't dumpster dive.

I'm sorry! Besides, most people with the green-to-purple monsters wouldn't sell them if you asked! =)
Why would you do this!?

I can think of no less then three excellent bike not for profits that would be beyond happy to take those bikes and work to put them in the hands of people who could use the,

Jessica said:
We don't take in old bikes... we recommend that people sell them online because all we do is cut the BB and trash them (for the super cruddy ones) so people don't dumpster dive.

I'm sorry! Besides, most people with the green-to-purple monsters wouldn't sell them if you asked! =)
Hey Jessica; If you guys get any or any bike in general. I'll take them for donation. You may contact me at : tony@AlbanyParkBikes.org (A.P.B.) N.F.P. If you need or want a tax letter I could get you one. Thanks -be-safe-
Jessica said:
We don't take in old bikes... we recommend that people sell them online because all we do is cut the BB and trash them (for the super cruddy ones) so people don't dumpster dive.

I'm sorry! Besides, most people with the green-to-purple monsters wouldn't sell them if you asked! =)
It's not my shop! =( And we don't resell, so if the bike is worth money, we encourage people to sell the bike online, and we'll pack it.

The ones we 'kill' are the 'holymoley this thing will not run again without $100 worth of stuff', and it's a POS. You could go to walmart and buy a replacement for cheaper. We don't kill nice bikes. =)

Buddaa: I'll pass the word along to the man. =)


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