What does everyone do for a living?

I work at a construction company on Ashland and Armitage as a project administrator - where swearing is a way of life, we drink too much coffee, work too hard, and party harder. I also do theatre work, mostly in management, and writing.


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Gotta agree with you, even though I'm northerly. My bro-in-law lives at 35th/King and coming up from there... nice, less congestion, great views. They did a nice job with that arch/tunnel near the Shedd. :)

Joe said:
I commute from Hyde Park to the Loop every day, along the Lake Front Path. I actually prefer the southen part of the path to the northern part of the path, especially since the path has been re-opened around the outside of the Shedd Aquarium. The panoramic shot of downtown when I come around the aquarium every morning is always beautiful, all year round.

David606xx said:
I have the best commute in the entire world--Rogers Park to River North via lakeshore trail (or Clark St. if it's icy on the lake or if I'm running late). Seriously, I defy anyone in this wide world to top my daily commute. Best part of my working life by far.
That's true, that is a great view. Anyone who gets to use that trail has the best commute in the world, especially if the wind is from the East.
I have two jobs...

1. I'm sales manager at Genuine Scooter Company. We import motor scooters from Taiwan and India and sell them through a network of 200+ dealers.

2. I write music for TV shows. I've had songs in "My Name is Earl," "Saving Grace," "Dr. 90210," "Access Hollywood," "Oprah," "MTV Real World," "CMT Cribs," "Criminal Minds," "Boston Legal," and so forth. At the moment it's extra money but I hope to one day compose music full time.
full-time job: graphic design, marketing, and customer service
side job: architecture (bachelors degree): http://lakeripleyhouse.blogspot.com/
the rest:
grad school for geography & environmental studies at northeastern
putting things together around the house
selling old books
volunteer for Active Trans, WBEZ...etc.
biking 3,000 miles per year
I think this is my favorite discussion to read...
I am a personal injury attorney, blogger and dad (not necessarily in that order).
high school english and ap psychology teacher at an alternative social justice school!

(to all the teachers on here: hello and keep fighting the good fight!)
working as an americorps member teaching ESL. It's awesome! Props to the teachers as well! Elyse, what high school do you work at?
i am a freelance theater lighting technician. i've worked at a lot of the theaters downtown and some in the suburbs. i also have a part-time job at a retail store where i fold clothes and sometimes change light bulbs.
Dispatcher at an air freight company.
I live in Humboldt Park and commute to ElK Grove Village by Metra, but I do occasionally bike to work. I'm am the Research and Development manager for a company that makes colorants for plastics. Always looking for something closer to home!
I sell, service and rebuild specialty material handling equipment, fix dumpsters and otherwise repair and fabricate anything anyone will pay for.


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