We're riding to Milwaukee...again.
This time we are for sure doing the Sprecher tour on Saturday, and I'm down for the reserve tasting if I can convince anyone else.

The dates are set -
Leaving Friday OCT 23 - returning Sunday OCT 25 riding, or on the train...of course, everyone can do whatever they want.
We are probably going to be riding at a super chill/touring pace, so if you've been riding all summer and want to do a first time distance ride, this ones for you. - but we could always meet you there if you wanna race to Palomino's.
We gonna get a hotel - maybe a huge one to be shared?
After we see how many people want to roll, I will provide more specific details.
This should be up on the calender soon...

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Hotel rooms are being reserved this week. If you want to share a room with the group Friday and/or Saturday please respond on the calender page. If you haven't RSVP'd there, you're on your own.
I don't know if I have the necessary gear for this early cold weather! Here's to hoping it warms up a bit for this ride...
yo - if you wanna get in on this RIDE we are meeting at the Starbucks on Berwyn and Clark next Friday at 6:45 a.m.
Chill out/touring pace with a good lunch stop - no one gets dropped.
If you wanna mail me your phone number (if I don't have it already) in case you get a flat on the way to the SBUCKS that is advised as we are departing at 7am on the dot.

Carlysle John said:
I don't know if I have the necessary gear for this early cold weather! Here's to hoping it warms up a bit for this ride...


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