I am trying to declutter at home and have a box of (used) jerseys and bib shorts.

Not sure of the exact size - but they are pretty small (remember Euro medium is american small). If anyone is interested in any or all; please send me a message or call 312 622 6285. I cannot throw these away. If you don't like the color or design; they make great layers for the upcoming cold days.


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How many of each do you have available? And what colors?
I would be interested. I am a lean fella with a 30 inch waist and would love to try some before I start investing money in some. Let me know if you still have them or if you have made arrangements already. Thanks.
I'd be interested in em as well.
i'd be interested in trying some
I'll jump on the band wagon of wanting some if there are any left for grabbing.
I left my cell at home today.

call me at 312 559 4994 : I have 3 jerseys downtown I want to give away.

the small ones are gone - but these are cool.

the lucky winner is Jason - and he works 3 blocks from me (and even closer to Leah !)

he may be "regifting" some of the large jerseys (I forgot about them) --- he he he
Dan - Thank you again!! Very nice of you and great to meet you Friday.

And yes... I got 3 jerseys, and at least 2 of them (if not even the 3rd one...) are too large for me. So I'll regift them. Who wants them?
I'm basically right at Union Station, Adams and Clinton. Let me know and I'll repass them along.


daniel brown said:
the lucky winner is Jason - and he works 3 blocks from me (and even closer to Leah !)

he may be "regifting" some of the large jerseys (I forgot about them) --- he he he


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