When Chicago really becomes a bike friendly city, we'll have all the lights timed. Small streets should be timed at 10, medium-level streets should be maybe 15, and arterial streets would be timed at 20. That way cyclists could choose their route based on how fast they ride. And as an added bonus, car traffic would learn that they could avoid stopping by slowing down.

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Sounds like the green wave idea that Amsterdam has been experimenting with for a couple of years now...


Excellent idea.
I'm in favor of advanced green lights for cyclists. Actually, I'm more in favor of CDOT actually using some sort of post-1950s technology in Chicago to adjust timing based on traffic patterns, time of day, and congestion....let alone add something for public transit or other modes of transportation.
Does anyone know if its been discussed yet on a city governmental level?
Light timing would be nice, http://sfist.com/2008/09/24/photos_really_dangerous_intersectio.php this is a bike light system they just put in SF, although I'm not sure how many casual riders would even pay attention to it.


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