The Chainlink

So I have to get to Oak Park from Albany Park Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can take the el, but I would like to ride my bike if possible at all. I have to be in Oak Park between 2-8pm.

This is what I came up with for now ... any comments would be very much appreciated.

Foster to Cicero, to Division, to Ridgeland - anything I should be aware of? The city crews have been working on repaving Cicero for a while now, so hopefully it will be smooth riding, but who knows.

Lawrence to Central, to Division, to Ridgeland, to Superior?


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I'd take Oak Park Avenue if that makes sense for you. Cicero has got to be one of the worse streets for cycling in Chicago.
lawrence seems a lot better than foster. definite no on cicero, maybe austin. and never been on oak park.
Oak Park is the best North-South road.

East-West, I like Montrose west of Pulaski except that right now its being repaved.
Diversey has a shared lane all the way out to OP. I would cut south at Oak Park Avenue if it's not too far west, but there's always Narragansett. Not ideal, but further east. I've done the Diversey ride and it wasn't too bad. It's one lane of traffic plus the shared lane.
Definite NO on Cicero, Central is a lot nicer: more residential, and most of it is wide single lanes rather than the cramped doubles that are on Cicero.
THANKS ALL - I did the ride tonight at 8pm and I took Oak Park most of the way ... not bad at all, smooth riding and mostly well lit - and ended up Lawrence. It only took me 40 minutes from point A to B.
Excellent! I would have expected longer, that's just 5 min. longer than my commute to the loop used to take (from just s. of you.)

corinne said:
THANKS ALL - I did the ride tonight at 8pm and I took Oak Park most of the way ... not bad at all, smooth riding and mostly well lit - and ended up Lawrence. It only took me 40 minutes from point A to B.
As previously mentioned by another, definitely Diversey to traverse west (and back east)....


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