Or do you enjoy the banter from some of the heated debates here on the chain link? I have noticed a lot of tension in some of the debate forums. I'm just wondering if people are really getting angry here or havin some fun. Personally I enjoy the back and forth, its quite entertaining. Anyway just putting that question out there.

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I enjoy the back and forth as well, but only when it stays on point. There are many cases, I have been guilty of it myself on other forum sites, of trolling. I don't think it should be tolerated here. It is one thing to respond with your view or opinion, that is exactly the point with a discussion, however, personal attacks are just rude no matter how subtle they are. To be critical (as in to take apart and examine) of another person's view is par for the course, but when people begin to go off point to feel an intellectual, ideological, or personal superiority by attacking the person for their view and not explaining why they agree or disagree is pretty lame. But as long as there are open forums and opinionated people, there will be trolls. I think any topic should be open for discussion and if it is personally beneath you or you think it is beating a dead horse than don't participate. I think for the most part people on the chainlink conduct themselves in a fairly courteous manner and would like to see that continue.
Yeah, Man! I'm Nuckin' Futz!!
I think there are a few reasons why this happens from time to time
1. New people keep joining CL. They try to find their place in this community and bring their own experiences from other communities (online or not). Sometimes those experiences don't jibe all that well. I am definitely guilty as charged myself.
2. The discussion subject itself. One can matter-of-factly discuss the qualities of a particular piece of equipment, but Safety and Advocacy related subjects tend to bring out emotions in people. After all, my personal riding style is wwaaayy more safe than anyone elses ;)

As long as we don't resort to name calling most of the discussions are quite entertaining to read
I hope I'm not taking your words different than you meant.

I don't think there is "an" identified cyclist community but rather there are "many" cyclist communities in Chicago. Many are passionate about their slice of the cycling community, some even disdain the other communities, but lets not pretend that there is a single unified community.

h3 said:
Also consider that the identified cyclist community in Chicago has a very connected core, and many of us have known each-other very well for a very long time-- so there can also occasionally be faux-aggression that's taken in the right spirit by the recipient.
And then there's Gabe . . .
copied from the lakefront path discussion:

Bailey Gene Newbrey said:
Goodness. This wasn't meant be a hate forum

GabeW (not the other Gabe) said:
I know, but lately every time I've come back to the chainlink after not being on for a while, I just find it full of flames and bickering and nastiness. Apparently I'm not a cyclist anymore, if feeling like a welcomed member of this forum is any indication. That's why I've dropped from posting just about everyday to just checking out what bs is going on when I'm bored; and if I'm stupid enough I get sucked into some discussion.

-end copy-

funny that howard brings up the "identified cyclist"; I read that after I wrote in the lfp disc.

and which Gabe are you talking about?
I feel like this site, even as it's grown, maintains a somewhat insular feel -- this makes sense because many of the early adopters know one another in person. And so there are many inside jokes, meta discussions, venting, etc. I've nothing against that.

I just hope that membership & traffic will continue to grow and with those things, the breadth of discussions will expand to more positive and practical local cycling stuff. Ride reports are great. Events, clinics, races, seminars, all great. I still think the calendar is the best thing on the site.

I work at a shop in a neighborhood with very high population turnover, and a lot of cyclists come here knowing nothing about Chicago. I often point to the Chainlink as a place to start to get a feel for what's out there -- the different cliques, events, the local zeitgeist. I don't think the site really an accurate portrait, and certainly can seem overly negative at first glance, but hopefully this will get better over time.


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