hello all! does anyone have any advice or links to maps that might help me route a ride from chicago to lemont? thanks for your superior knowledge! :-D

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Actually come to think of it, I've gone to Argonne which is just across the river from Lemont.

The route I took was roughly, take the Salt Creek Trail (starts at the Brookfield Zoo) west to Wolf Road, and take that south for a long time to 91st St, then take that west. At some point you'll have to cross the river/canals
Actually come to think of it, I've gone to Argonne which is just across the river from Lemont.

The route I took was roughly, take the Salt Creek Trail (starts at the Brookfield Zoo) west to Wolf Road, and take that south for a long time to 91st St, then take that west to the Argonne park area. At some point you'll have to cross the river/canals either at Lemont Rd. or Kingbury. I think both of these bridges has sidewalks but I'm not sure.


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