I find it amazing how people in the city still ask what critical mass is about when it has been going on for at least 10 years now. Now I have given the same responces like... Promoting bicycle awareness, getting people to use their bike instead of cars to reduce congestion, reducing our dependency on oil, celebrating bike riding ect. I could probibly go on and on. The other funny part is when I say these things the people generally note that people are riding through red lights and thats illegal "do you think that is right?". I usually respond that the police often times help us out. Sometimes this is too much for those who believe that 2+2=5. Anyway I'm just curious about what others have said (seriously or not) about what mass is and who is our leader. On this last mass I overheard a pedestrian asking a cyclest if we all go to church when were done. Anyway lets here the answers to these questions.

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I've thought about saying it is a ride for someone with a desease, but that would be a little uncooth. This one guy who asked me who the leader is wonderd if their was a president and if so did he have the nicest bike. Some people just dont get the collectiveness of it.

Brian Kennedy said:
I hear a lot of onlookers ask "What is this?" in an inquisitive way, to which I hear massers answer, "Critical Mass". Time allowing, I've also heard a follow-up asked, "What's that?". I don't have a good answer. I've seen a couple of places call it a bike protest, which I don't think quite captures the essence. I've got until July 31st to try and come up with an appropriate, or at least funny, answer. Hopefully I see some good ideas here.

As far as the leader issue goes, I'm not clear on how that works. Map makers obviously take a leadership role. There are certain Chicago cycling icons that are well respected and people tend to follow. I don't know how it really works though. There is a leadership presence at each ride and I don't know who establishes roles or where, it at all?????????????????????????
The North~Side Critical Mass tries to promote bike safety, & Happy Friday. We believe that this is Non - Controversial. We believe that the more we can reach out, to will help our resources. I think that alot of people get hung-up on the bad side of these masses. This is were some don't want to attend them,So they spread this miss - conception to there friends etc...
We do promote Happy Endings & not all of us need P.B.R's to do so. So my bottom line is come & join us in HAPPY FRIDAY. ( T.G.I.F.) :-)

h3 said:
buddaa38 said:
The North~Side Critical Mass tries to promote bike safety, & Happy Friday.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'd be more likely to come attend if you told me it tried to promote & Happy Ending.
North Side Critical Mass
meets 2nd Fridays
in Edgewater
at Lincoln Statue: Clark, Thorndale, & Ridge
Gather 6:30, Depart 7:00
Bring friends, tunes, bells, costumes, cameras!

buddaa38 said:
We do promote Happy Endings & not all of us need P.B.R's to do so. So my bottom line is come & join us in HAPPY FRIDAY. ( T.G.I.F.) :-)

h3 said:
buddaa38 said:
The North~Side Critical Mass tries to promote bike safety, & Happy Friday.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'd be more likely to come attend if you told me it tried to promote & Happy Ending.
"...overheard a pedestrian asking a cyclest if we all go to church when were done..."

I don't know much about church, but by the time Critical Mass is over, it is usually too late to make it to Erev Shabbos services at the shul.
I was in small packs on non-Fridays twice last week, and heard pedestrians mistake us for Critical Mass. Last Wednesday with a dozen colorful bikes crossing Clark at Division, I overheard a quick conversation like "what's going on", "oh that must be Critical Mass". It's becoming cool to know about it ;)
it's a bike ride!!

when people ask, "what are you doing?"
i like to holler, "we're riding our bikes!!"

(some people are so brainwashed by car culture they can't even recognize a bike ride when they see one!)

MARK has a decent breakdown. if i bother to stop and talk to people, i usually end up pointing them to the unofficial website.


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