We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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I'm Alex and this is me winning a prize at the chainlink birthday party..lol very exciting time in my life

Thanks, Gabe. She's pretty awesome I think.

Gabe said:
Iggi: Next time without undies! ;-)
Brendan: Your daughter is adorable! ;-)
Dan from Humboldt Park

Food ? what's that ? Oh...anything really.
i like beer too.
and playing pool
and karaoke and most music
and riding (do-h) a lot.

Here are 2 of my 5 bikes (how many is too many ???)

Miyata converted to a single-speed
Raleigh Road bike

love 'em both

and a couple more of me "re-hydrating" lol

I guess I'm kind of a nobbie; but I've met so many cool people here already.
Hi dan ;-)

Love Labatt and love that Raleigh! :-)
i'm impressed with your dedication to waffles. have you tried the Giant Butter Waffle from the golden nugget?

o0_dan_0o said:
Hi there.
I'm Dan, from NW Indiana- Hammond to be exact. I like waffles.
this is what i look like:

theres photos of (most of) my bikes on my profile here.

did i mention that i like waffles?

I've been biking seriously recreationally for a few years now, used to be religious about critical mass(listserv-ers either love me or hate me). Lately, work's been in the way of riding so much, but i got laid off 2 weeks ago so good things are happening bike wise.

i really enjoy weekend meetup fun rides, distance really isnt an object for me, theres something special about the landscape rolling out at 15-20 mph..

also, waffles pretty much dominate my soul.
thanks for the kudos. I did that striped grip tape for the Chicago Crit this year - it's hard (the grip tape).
Oh..the race was a killer too.

The Labatts was at the finish of the Flying Pig Marathon - one of my buddies has a cabin in the UP
(Michigan) and that is the beer of choice up there.

btw - you doing any of the upcoming rides ???

i'm morgan. you could say that i've been riding my Columbia since 1980, but for most of the 80's i outsourced the actual pedaling of the bike to a grownup while i ate cookies in a seat on the back.

i am unusual, i guess, in owning just the one bike. i would love to learn how to maintain/repair it myself.

i've been loving the rides and tours i learn about here on the chainlink. i also like to take pictures, dance to 80's and indie rock, eat good food that other people make for me, especially breakfast...and now i feel like i've written a personals ad.
Hey Daniel, I should be at the Critical Mass this coming Friday and I'll be riding my Red Haro. ;-)

Hey Morgan, helluva personals ad and nice ride! ;-)
Hi Rosa! ;-) Great Puppies! ;-) Where do you go to Salsa dance?
Hi, guys! My name is Shay. This is me:

This is my baby. I named her Claudette, because she is a Peugeot and thus French. I always name my bikes and they are always lovely ladies.

I live in Logan Square and work at The University of Chicago.

I'm new to the Chain Link and I'm hoping to find new friends and people to ride with. :)
Morgan Gaskin said:
i'm impressed with your dedication to waffles. have you tried the Giant Butter Waffle from the golden nugget?

i cant say as i have, last time i was in a golden nugget i think i had french toast but that was a couple of years ago.

working on that old columbia shouldnt prove to be too difficult, looks like all you'd really need is a 12" pipe wrench and maybe a hammer. :) ---obv kidding--- nice ride!
well, if you're really into waffles, those are the best value for the money in the city. they're 7 bucks and so light and fluffy...i always wish that there were 5 sections to them, not the standard 4.

o0_dan_0o said:
Morgan Gaskin said:
i'm impressed with your dedication to waffles. have you tried the Giant Butter Waffle from the golden nugget?

i cant say as i have, last time i was in a golden nugget i think i had french toast but that was a couple of years ago.


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