14.39 after the Unofficial CCC New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride. extrapolation for 2019: 5252.4.  :-)

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How was the Easter Brunch ride and 3 Floyds? It was a great day for a long ride.

you said it, it was a great day. and a great ride, except we ran into 3 trains and had to detour.

1,280 outdoor miles as of April 30th (290 indoor)

1305.0 miles cycled in 2019 after 320.2 miles (180.2 outdoor/140.0 indoor) for April. While I have legitimately been enjoying the spinning classes - and especially the boost the workouts give to my running results - it is nice to see the outdoor miles surpass the indoor miles again, a sure sign of springtime and better weather ahead!

485 consecutive days cycled in 2018-2019.

1792.0 miles cycled in 2019 after 487.0 miles (288.2 outdoor/198.8 indoor) for May.

516 consecutive days cycled in 2018-2019.
2222.4 miles cycled in 2019 after 430.4 miles (306.6 outdoor/123.8 indoor) for June.
546 consecutive days cycled in 2018-2019 - everyday for a year and a half!

606.50 miles for the month.

1079.06 year total

Hung the trainer up for the season on March 16 and don't miss it. Feels good to be putting the miles in.

580.54 miles in April, 1,478.58 miles year to date, all outdoors.

The big outdoor miles seem to be coming from Two Guys Named Sean. Good stuff.

April showers, indeed. With 658 miles on the streets this past month (including 7 Perimeter Rides) and 160 miles going nowhere for a total of 2,503 miles y-t-d (still chasing the hamster with 1,395 stationary vs. 1108 road miles.) With an equal number of Perimeters at this point (12), I trail last year's pace by just 89 miles. 

832.3 after the Dark Lord Day (and Fifth Step) Ride. and a ride in iowa the next day, wind + rain + hills, ugh going out, but hit 40.1 coming back, whee!

extrapolation for 2019 up to 2185.5.

791.32 for the month

1870.38 for the year

I had a good May.


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