Totally excited about the birthday celebration tonight...hope to see you all!

Ethan, with Active Trans

PS: happy birthday, also, to our friend, tank riding ryan!

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wheres this happening at?
Bottom Lounge

Check the calendar for all details.

Chris said:
wheres this happening at?
im off work ill be there i guess. do i get a name tag this time? u better have yours on cause i cant remember diddly squat from the last bar night i was at. haha.
Happy Bday chainlink, that was great!
Totally agree, great party and really cool to talk to meet other Chainlinkers in person!

Wish I didn't have to leave so early to go to sleep (must schedule better for two-year birthday party).

Can't wait to see the pix,

Ethan, with Active Trans

PS: Thanks to the two Chainlinkers who signed up as Active Trans members!

T. Mo said:
Happy Bday chainlink, that was great!
well that was fun. had a blast. happy birfday CL and Ryan...woo...
YAY! I won a purse!

I had a good good time and thanks again!
Julie told me to stay. I won no prizes. Went home on Clark St. sobbing.....grumbling....babbling like Golem in LOTR...talking to my other personality, the weaker sympathetic half whilst my evil half plotted a new and wicked revenge....

oliva said:
YAY! I won a purse!

I had a good good time and thanks again!
I think I won something too. Not quite sure what it was...hmmm.
it was great - everyone is so cool (and a generous member bout me a sandwich and a beer!).

hopefully no incriminating photos are floating around in cybersapce ... he he he
I will be putting the twister pics and results sometime this weekend. They are a bit incriminating...

daniel brown said:
it was great - everyone is so cool (and a generous member bout me a sandwich and a beer!).

hopefully no incriminating photos are floating around in cybersapce ... he he he
Had a great time last night. Congrats and Happy Birthday to Chainlink. Here's to many years of growth and success.


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