a big fat zero. at this rate, that will be my total for this year, too!

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7185 miles, all outdoor, including a tour of the Copper Canyon during the winter.

2741 miles (all outdoor) through September.

273 consecutive days cycled in 2018, also still keeping the average mileage above 10 miles per day (although at 301 miles in September, again just barely; I had to plan a long ride on the weekend to keep average mileage for the month above 10!) My training schedule for running has picked up again now that summer has passed, so it is a challenge to maintain that regimen as well as carving out time for biking besides commuting. It's fun to find creative ways to make it all work, though!

dedicated + creative, it's been great following your quest

745.69 for Sept. and 4446.68 for the year.

1845.7 after the Ninth Step Double-Oktoberfest Almost-Century, again partially estimated, this time after the battery in my sensor died. extrapolation for 2018 up to 2476.8. maybe my goal could be 2500?

looking forward to the Tenth Step Liquid Dreams Ride. would any of you like to come with? do any of us ever ride together? lol

5,834 outdoor miles after work commutes, apple cider century and north shore century. 731 hamster miles. I don't think I will come remotely close to catching the MagMileMarauder this year. Well done Marauder!

Oh, it's ON, Sean. You and me. I also hit the ACC this past weekend, putting me at 6,577.5 miles Y-T-D (4,711.7 road miles + 1,865.8 hamster miles) and 44 Perimeter Rides. I'm trailing Curt(is)2017 by over 1,900 miles now and 20 PRs. I am NOT gonna catch that rabbit!

Haha...yes indeed Curtis; we are on.  I can't believe there is only a difference of 12 total miles in our stats this late in the year.  

1922.7 after Tenth Step Liquid Dreams Ride. extrapolation for 2018 down to 2387. 2500 feels ambitious now. it was only 31° when i started yesterday.

I'm at 4,763 mostly commuting miles with a few recreational miles mixed in here and there.  

3056 miles (all outdoor) after 315 miles in October.

304 consecutive days cycled in 2018; still keeping the average mileage above, although almost right at 10 miles per day.

go go go


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