Killer of Cyclists Sentenced to Life in Prison 6-11-18


Charles Pickett Jr. sentenced to 78 years in prison for killing 5 cyclists and injuring 4 others.

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I actually do think the number of drug- and alcohol-impaired drivers on the road have been reduced somewhat by changes in the law in the last twenty years.  The problem is that so many drivers (and cyclists!) are impaired by obsessive cell-phone use that the number of tragic incidents isn't declining much. 

As clp said, thanks for your close watch and updates, Tom!

You're welcome, and thank you all for contributing on a number of threads on this subject since it happened in 2016. I did a search of the related threads here that others started, about 6-8, to decide where to place the news of the sentencing but decided that perhaps everyone in the community would be relieved that justice was served in this case for the fallen and injured cyclists. Thus, the headline, 'Killer of Cyclists Sentenced to Life in Prison'. I hope this case serves as a reminder to all drivers and hopefully a trending change of convictions and sentencing against drivers who kill and injure cyclists. 

Good riddance.


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