2017 Chicago Cycling Fatalities: 8* (2* rail-transit-related, 'off-street') CDOT 2017 Count: 6

How could his tragic death upon our city streets not be noted in Chicago's data?!
CDOT states that cyclists' death fatalities on its city streets shared with rail/transit are an exemption from its yearly recorded data. The only way the for the differing data to be noted (unofficially) each year is by media sources and 'cycling community websites'.
Updated: Sunday morning, December 24, 2017.

Photo credit: abclocal.
Updated: 12-24-17 Clarence D. Walton, 49, was struck by a Metra train in South Shore around 5:10pm Saturday night 12-23-17. The CPD report claimed that the victim disregarded the train's warning signals.



2017: 8* Chicago Cycling Community Fatalities:(7+ 1* transit related & 'off-street').

Update:12-16-17, CDOT announced the death of cyclist Leonard Anderson, 70, in a crash in Garfield Park on 10-2-17 at 1:10pm on Independence Ave. He died of his injuries in a hospital on 11-28-17.

Update: 12-15-17 Male Cyclist, 46, killed in West Humboldt Park

2017 Cycling Fatalities / Chicago - Currently: 8* with 1*0ne(transit-related, & 'off-street') RIP + . . .

Lisa Marie Schalk, 50, RIP  +  Ghost Bike Installation Sunday 11-19-17, 3PM 5750 s. Archer ave.

photo credit: Andrew Bedno

Was unable to enter (for whatever reason) Lisa Marie Scalk's Ghost Bike Installation as an event in the Chainlink event calendar. . . . (sigh!) . . . See You All Down The Road !  . . .



Farewell DnaInfo and thanks with best wishes to Alisa Hauser/reporter/Chainlink Community Member.

Early Wednesday morning 11-1-17, around 8am, Lisa Schalk, 50, was struck and killed by the driver of a car in Garfield Ridge at 5700 S. Archer and S. Lorel Aves.

So far this year in Chicago there have been a total of (8)eight cycling deaths, data shows, included with *(1) one cycling, transit-related & 'off-street' deaths.

-Clarence D. Walton, 49 (*cycling transit-related/on-street),
-Angelo L. Resto,46
-Leonard Anderson, 70
-Lisa Marie Schalk, 50
-Johnel Washington, 31
-Louis Ray Smith, 56
-Jezniah Jay Smith, 34
-Gabriel Milorad Ciupeiu,18 (*cycling transit-related/'off-street')



Despite our wishes and hopes, the loss of members of our community will occasionally occur just as it does in other communities. We cannot ignore or diminish (as some have suggested) these events by whitewashing the facts of the incidents of fallen cyclists for fear of causing alarm and discouraging the larger community. We MUST do everything possible to promote, legislate and educate all for the sake of the safety of our mode of transport!
Thank you!

+REST IN PEACE - FELLOW CYCLISTS+ "Meet you for the big ride on the other side!" . . .

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I respectfully disagree with the conclusion of CDOT's Commissioner Scheinfeld on the cycling fatality data for 2017 in not including the death of Clarence D. Walton, 49, on 12-24-17, while using a Chicago street to cross train tracks.

My proclamation (stated above) from 12-31-17:
"Despite our wishes and hopes, the loss of members of our community will occasionally occur just as it does in other communities. We cannot ignore or diminish (as some have suggested) these events by whitewashing the facts of the incidents of fallen cyclists for fear of causing alarm and discouraging the larger community. We MUST do everything possible to promote, legislate and educate all for the sake of the safety of our mode of transport!
Thank you!"

My old neighbourhood.

How many people have been run down by the IC over the years? Still no fences along the ROW. Many folks who tried to cross the rails between the level crossings have been mowed down by the almost silent electric trains.


"There are several undeniable truths about statistics: First and foremost, they can be manipulated, massaged and misstated."

CDOT states that cyclists' death fatalities on its city streets shared with rail/transit are an exemption from its yearly recorded data. The only other way for the differing data to be noted (unofficially) each year is by media sources and 'cycling community websites.'

The Chicago Ride of Silence is tomorrow, Wednesday night, gathering at the Eternal Flame in the plaza at 5:30pm, leaving at 6:30pm sharp. Traveling in silence till~8:15pm.

Refreshments and snacks after the ride. Free! Donations welcomed! 

Please join us for this community empowering event! . . .


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