btw - (Leah and Julie are you tracking this?) _ I am now picturing a helmet head / hair
fashion revue at the 1-year birthday party. Cool prizes for sure and lots of photo
uploading too... he he he
whaddaya all think about that ???
btw - (Leah and Julie are you tracking this?) _ I am now picturing a helmet head / hair
fashion revue at the 1-year birthday party. Cool prizes for sure and lots of photo
uploading too... he he he
whaddaya all think about that ???
Just bring baby powder and a comb!! Baby powder soaks up any moisture - sweat, oil.. - shake some into your roots and fluff and comb through. You can also use the comb to back-comb the hair around the crown of your head for volume lost from the helmet's pressure.
hope it helps :)
The three conditions were:
1. How to dress for the commute (gave her the whole polyester & layers shpeal)
2. How to fold her work clothes for the commute (passed on my foolproof folding technique)
3. What to do about helmet hair
I also drew her a map on Map My Ride, informed her of Pace back-up options, and I'm going to ride all the way up to Glenview and escort her to-and-from work the first time. Don't get any ideas, she's married with children. I'm doing it 100% for the cause and I've offered the same to many other co-workers. She's just the first to take me up on the offer.
y a j said:BK, I should have asked earlier, what were the other two obstacles you had to overcome?
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